Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
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Respect for human rights according to the highest international standards is prescribed in our bank’s ″Human Rights Policy″. The Policy sets out the principles of conduct and obligations resulting from the catalogue of international declarations applicable to the bank’s relations with all stakeholders. Each commitment is accompanied by a specification of the activities through which it should be implemented.
- preventing discrimination and practices that violate human dignity,
- a commitment not to use forced labour or child labour,
- respect for the right of association and collective bargaining,
- protection of workers’ health,
- offering decent work, including fair remuneration, respecting the right to rest, protecting personal data and privacy and offering flexible working arrangements to enable employees to balance their careers with other interests and responsibilities.
To learn more about the bank’s approach to diversity management, policies and results go to Diversity Management.
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
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of the bank’s employees agree that the differences between employees are widely accepted and appreciated by the company.