Educational project "Security in Cyberspace"
The program responds to the need for practical education on security in the virtual world. Educational activities are addressed to schools, universities, third-age universities and public administration units.
Through various activities, such as classes, lectures, training events, competitions and modern communication channels, we effectively reach the project’s target group which includes children and young people, students, teachers and seniors. Since 2017, the programme has been implemented in cooperation with partners, including the Warsaw Banking Institute and the Polish Bank Association.
By educating people in skilful and safe use of modern digital tools, we want to contribute to improving the knowledge of Poles about cyber-threats.
The project activities included:
educational campaigns
The beneficiaries included students, teachers and seniors. The project also included e-learning courses tailored for high school and university students on secure identity, security of mobile devices and secure online banking.
The classes showed the students that the Internet can be a great place to expand their interests and knowledge, provided they follow certain rules for their own safety. The principles were communicated in a clear way comprehensible for young people, focusing on consequences rather than evoking fear. As the students developed a range of competences needed to handle specific issues, they considered the classes very useful and the advice worth remembering. In my opinion, there is no doubt that the children became sensitized to dangerous situations they may encounter in the virtual world.
The online classes ″Safety in cyberspace″ conducted by the Warsaw Banking Institute received highly positive evaluation from students and teachers at the school where I work. The students learned more about the dangers lurking in the Internet and the need to create safe passwords. Many of them changed their existing passwords right after the class according to the advice provided. They became aware of the consequences of using public networks and accounts opened on various social networking sites. The classes were conducted in a very interesting way and in a pleasant atmosphere. By asking questions during the webinar, the teacher encouraged the students to be active, while controlling and commenting on the information they provided at the same time.
Lessons, lectures, workshops and competitions in numbers:
students from 16 voivodships took part in 2,342 educational lessons on cyber-threats
students and 2,113 seniors attended 287 lectures
teachers took part in workshops organized in cooperation with Wroclaw Teacher Training Centre
students of Lower Silesian primary schools took part in the ″Cyber Safe″ Competition, organized in cooperation with the Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesian Province
students took part in the ″IT and Cyber Security″ competition organized for high schools from all over Poland. The winner will be invited to a study tour in 2020
students took part in the ″IT and Cyber Security″ competition
participants took part in all competitions altogether
school forms participated in an interactive game prepared for the project
seniors attended 47 lectures on security in the virtual world, including transaction and identity security
Campaign implemented under the project "Security in Cyberspace"
Since the beginning of 2019, in cooperation with the project partners and the bank’s Cyber Security Centre, a campaign has been carried out with the involvement of more than 20 banks, including Santander Bank Polska.
- We have supported the production of educational films about cyber security, safe use of e-banking and online shops.
- In total, 42 educational films were made with the participation of experts representing public institutions and banks, including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Digitization, the National Bank of Poland, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, the Bank Guarantee Fund, the Credit Information Bureau and the National Clearing House.
- Over 100 publications have been released, including the ″Cybersecure Wallet″ report, the ″Active Senior″ bulletin and the ″Active Student″ bulletin.
- The project was covered by local and national media and issues related to cyber security were the subject of a partner programme ″Three Cents Worth of Economics″ aired on nine radio stations and in Spotify.
For more information on the project go to
Number of beneficiaries in 2017 | Number of beneficiaries in 2018 | Number of beneficiaries in 2019 | |
Children and young people | 17,655 | 36,570 | 58,488 |
Students | 7,860 | 12,540 | 25,410 |
Seniors | 510 | 1,280 | 2,113 |
Independent and Safe Seniors on the Internet
Financial abuse of elderly persons is a big problem. That’s why the Santander Bank Polska Foundation and the Police have been working together for several years for the safety of seniors. As part of the project ″Independent and safe seniors on the Internet″ we want to make elderly people aware of the fact that it is worthwhile to use the benefits of the Internet, but we must follow certain rules so that nothing bad happens to us in the virtual world. We teach seniors all this during the events we organize, thanks to which in 2019 we educated nearly 3.5 thousand people. This year we want this number to be even greater.
As part of the educational activities conducted by the Santander Bank Polska Foundation and the Police, a number of projects targeting seniors have been developed, including the „Happy Senior”, „Grandson and Policeman Scam”, „Don’t get tricked Senior!”, „OLABOGABABCIU”, „Senior Time” and others. Bank practitioners, volunteers from the Foundation and policemen taught safe behaviours and warned against certain dangers in real world and on the Internet.
"How’s Your Driving” project
It is an initiative to promote responsible and polite behaviour on the road that we have been implementing since 2015. As part of the project, we provide advice on, among other things, the driving culture, car operation and equipment, traffic regulations, first aid in the event of a collision and road accident, proper carriage of children and driving techniques. We also organize events in urban space involving local communities. As part of the Santander Station, a mobile educational pavilion, we organised safety classes. The project’s ambassador is the racing driver Kuba Giermaziak, who promotes s knowledge on using a car use and safe driving.
“How’s Your Driving” in numbers:
143 thousand
people watching the project fan page on Facebook
first aid workshops for 400 persons, both children and adults
#SMARTOFF Campaign
The campaign was conducted as part of the How’s Your Driving project in 2019. This was one of the first campaigns to raise awareness of the danger of using a mobile phone while driving. The campaign tried to raise the awareness of the risk of looking at a smartphone screen while driving.
How’s Your Driving in social media:
15 million
beneficiaries per year (Facebook)
1.3 million
beneficiaries – monthly week’s reach (Facebook)
13 thousand
comments on posts and over 3,000 instances of sharing (Facebook)
2.5 thousand
fans (Instagram)
For more information about the campaign go here.
"Safe to know" program
An educational programme in which we raise students’ awareness of basic safety principles, for example: the functioning of security services, safe use of roads and safe behaviour at school, at home and in contacts with strangers. It is addressed to pupils of primary schools in the Wielkopolska Region, and educational meetings are conducted by police officers together with volunteers from the Santander Bank Polska Foundation