Santander Bank Polska Foundation
The Santander Bank Polska Foundation implements most of the bank’s social programs and provides organizational and financial support for corporate volunteering.
- financial education of children, youth and seniors,
- education of youth through the implementation of scholarship programmes,
- children’s sports activities,
- local communities,
- culture,
- educational institutions, NGOs and children’s homes.
In 2019, the Foundation executed about 180 agreements with social partners. The most important cyclical projects carried out by the Foundation include grant programs to support local communities. In 2019, the Santander Bank Polska Foundation conducted two grant competitions – Bank of Young Sports Champions and ″Here I Live, Here I Make Changes″.

fot. Jarosław Praszkiewicz
PLN 800,000
allocated by the Santander Bank Polska Foundation for grant programs
people received support under the Santander Bank Polska Foundation’s programs.
Grant program - Bank of Young Sports Champions
We focus primarily on supporting the physical development of young people. In the 2019 edition of the Bank of Young Sports Champions grant competition, we co-financed activities such as: team sports competitions, Olympics and Paralympics. We put special emphasis on the promotion of fair-play principles, both in sport and in everyday relations with peers.
The aim of the programme is to promote sporting activities and fair play principles in sport. As part of the 2019 edition, we supported sports projects for people aged 5 to 26. We focused primarily on fostering their physical development by organising events such as team sports competitions, Olympics, Paralympics with particular emphasis on promoting the principles of fair play in sport.
PLN 300,000
The total amount of funding provided under the programme
PLN 1,995
Minimum grant value
PLN 9,000
Maximum value of the grant
Number of organisations that received support
Number of projects that received support
Total number of beneficiaries
Grant program - "Here I Live, Here I Make Changes "
The project, carried out within the framework of the Santander Bank Polska Foundation’s grant program enabled integration of young people from our school with seniors from the Kurpie and Ostrołęka Seniors Association. Thanks to the grant, a place for training, exercise, meetings and cross-generation integration was created. I hope that it will serve well both young people and seniors for a long time.
The aim of the Program is to improve the standards and quality of life through the introduction of sustainable changes in the local environment and the integration of local communities. Thanks to the awarded grants new facilities were built or existing ones were renovated and upgraded, contributing to major positive changes in local communities throughout Poland.
PLN 500,000
The total amount of funding provided under the programme
Number of supported organisations
Number of supported projects
Total number of the programme beneficiaries
PLN 5,000, 7,000 or 10,000
The amount of a single grant
Santander Bank Polska Foundation’s scholarship program
The scholarship is intended for outstanding students from primary and secondary schools. It is a reward for the effort put into learning and is a motivation to continue working and achieve better and better results. By supporting young people, the Foundation contributes to the development of their talents and passions and makes it easier for students from all over Poland to get the best possible education.

PLN 5,000
was awarded to a scholarship holder in the school year 2019/2020
students received a scholarship from the Santander Bank Polska Foundation.
PLN 118,238
is the total value of all scholarships
#Pracownia@ Project
As part of the project, the Foundation provides second-hand computer equipment free of charge to educational institutions, non-governmental organizations and children’s homes.
Cultural projects
PLN 158,500
allocated by the Santander Bank Polska Foundation
Projects promoting culture and integrating people with disabilities:
The funds collected during the project were donated to the Polish Association of the Blind in order to subsidize the rehabilitation of blind and partially sighted people, as well as organize workshops and provide counselling for them. Concerts were held in several cities of Poland (Krakow, Bydgoszcz, Białystok, Legnica, Katowice, Wrocław, Warsaw, Szczecin, Łódź, Zielona Góra and Poznań).
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 40,000.
A vocal competition for talented people with disabilities organized by the Anna Dymna “Mimo Wszystko” Foundation.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 90,000.
An event popularizing group dancing.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 5,000.
The aim of the festival was, among other things, to promote children’s artistic creativity, integration of talented youth, improvement of foreign language skills and international cultural exchange.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 1,500.
Promoting film culture and overcoming prejudices and stereotypes about Poles, Czechs and Slovaks
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 5,000.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 6,000.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 6,000.
Organized by the Agnieszka Osiecka Atelier Theatre Foundation.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 30,000.
Project organized by the TIFF Collective Foundation in Wrocław (activation of persons with disabilities through cultural activities).
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 5,000.
Organized by the Association of Grabski Friends in Lublin.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 7,000.
Organized by the Parents’ Council of the Special Educational and Childcare Centre in Puck.
The Foundation co-financed the project with a grant of PLN 3,000.
More information about the Santander Bank Polska Foundation and its programs can be found on the Foundation’s website at