Ethical education
Values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour
Values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour
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a list of key activities and initiatives implemented in the bank in a given year to increase employees' knowledge of the bank's ethics and organizational culture
a list of key activities and initiatives implemented in the bank in a given year to increase employees' knowledge of the bank's ethics and organizational culture
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of employees took part in e-learning training on ethics and compliance (issues covered by the General Code of Conduct, Anti-corruption programme and Corporate Defense Model).
In 2019, we carried out a number of initiatives to increase ethical awareness and employees’ knowledge of the organizational culture in our bank. These included:
- continuation of the communication campaign promoting ethical attitudes and presenting ways of reporting violations and irregularities, including:
- publication on the intranet of regular articles and videos devoted, among others, to the rules of accepting and offering gifts, identification of bullying behaviour or relations between managers and subordinates,
- producing a film promoting the available whistleblowing channels, entitled Who Answers Helpline Calls?
- an ethical case study as part of the Risk Culture Week (exercise to be carried out in teams),
- developing educational activities for managers based on the conclusions from reports – in partnership with the Development Department,
- launching a series of meetings of the Director of the Office of Ethics and Relations with Members of the Management Board – sharing conclusions and recommendations prepared on the basis of reported issues,
- e-learning training, for employees, devoted to reacting and counteracting such phenomena as: mobbing, discrimination and harassment, as well as seeking support in case of violation of ethical standards in accordance with the ″Respect and Dignity″ policy. The training was mandatory for everyone in 2018 and in 2019 it was attended by newly recruited employees.
We participate in the Ethics Standard Programme, an initiative of UN Global Compact Network Poland. The partner institutions together with the Coalition of Compliance Officers (bringing together over 100 companies and institutions) have jointly developed the Minimum Ethics Standard Programme – a set of values and tools recognized as the foundation of the ethical programme in organizations of all sizes. Santander Bank Polska actively participated in its development.