Corporate culture
Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries
Material topic: Employment terms and employee satisfaction Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries
Material topic: Employment terms and employee satisfaction
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The management approach and its components
Material topic: Employment terms and employee satisfaction The management approach and its components
Material topic: Employment terms and employee satisfaction
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Evaluation of the management approach
Material topic: Employment terms and employee satisfaction Evaluation of the management approach
Material topic: Employment terms and employee satisfaction
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The aim of our organizational culture is to build a friendly and inclusive workplace, to take care of the development of employees and their positive experiences as well as to increase their engagement.
Our culture is founded on three values: Simple, Personal, Fair.
Our guiding principles are set out in the ″General Code of Conduct″ – a document defining ethical standards and rules of conduct applicable to all employees. For more information about the Code go here.
The corporate culture of Santander Bank Polska is based on:
8 standards of behaviour:
show respect
listen attentively
speak openly
keep promises
support others
be part of change
cooperate actively
work with passion
Individual responsibility of each employee for managing risk in accordance with the pro-risk approach which consists of 5 principles:
- accountability,
- resilience,
- simplicity,
- challenge
- customer focus
Our priorities in 2019
Our priority is to build an inclusive, diverse and collaborative work environment that enables talent acquisition and greater autonomy for our employees. Activities focus on supporting and promoting the employment of people with disabilities and striving for a gender balance among top management.
As a signatory to the Diversity Charter, we have undertaken to create an organisational culture based on respect for diversity; develop policies and mechanisms that effectively support equal treatment and diversity management in the workplace; promote the benefits of diversity among stakeholders (employees, local communities, shareholders, customers).
Five priorities:
Promoting real diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Building a positive customer and employee experience as parallel and complementary activities.
Speak Up Culture – actively encouraging open communication without fear.
Training and development of employee potential.
Building a sense of belonging to the global Santander Group and creating a friendly workplace.
Actions implemented in 2019
- An outplacement programme for people affected by collective redundancies which helped workers to find their way on the labour market.
- Transformation of the organization towards the Agile model (implementation of agile structures and new ways of work).
- Working with top executives on Leadership Commitments that complement the Simple, Personal, Fair values.
- Accelerating the bank’s transformation by developing future leaders within the framework of the Young Leaders programme.
- Activating employees in social media to strengthen the Santander brand.
- SantanderGo! – launching a platform bringing together employees with similar passions and interests – social groups based on values and behaviour.
- SantanderWomen – supporting women in the workplace as experts and leaders within and outside the organization and creating a community of women.
- Launching ethical channels – activity of the Office of Ethics and Employee Relations.
- Continuation of the Differently Abled project promoting a diverse work environment.
As a result of the implemented actions, we have taken the leading position in the banking sector as an employer and recorded a significant increase in the employee engagement rate.
The employee engagement ratio in 2019
persons employed in 2019 1
persons employed in 2019 in the Group 2
11 years
on average, employees work for us for almost 11 years 3
39 years
average age of our employees 4
of employees with disabilities
employee turnover 5
1, 2 Number of persons employed in Santander Bank Polska / Santander Bank Polska Group, regardless of the job type and employment status.
3 Average employment time.
4 Average age of employees.
5 Turnover as number of terminated contracts in 2019 / average employment in 2019. The increase in the ratio results from the process of collective redundancies carried out in 2019.
Our plans for 2020 include:
- Continue to implement the Simple. Personal, Fair standards.
- Promote an inclusive, simple and collaborative working environment.
- Strengthen practices based on a responsible approach in consultation with all stakeholders.