Awards and recognitions
Diversity IN Check
We joined the Diversity IN Check – a list of the most inclusive and diversity-conscious companies.
Santander Bank Polska was among a dozen or so organisations recognised for creating a friendly and inclusive working environment, as well as internal programmes promoting diversity.
The award was granted to us based on the results of a survey conducted by the Responsible Business Forum.
Top Employer
For another straight year we have been awarded the title of Top Employer Poland, as well as the title of Top Employer 2022 Europe. The certificate confirms our commitment to creating a better working environment and implementing high standards in human resources management.
”Equal company”
We were awarded the 2021 Forbes Women’s ”Equal Company” Certificate for promoting the Code of Good Practice and supporting equality and diversity in business.
Golden CSR Leaf of Polityka
It is awarded to companies for which the implementation of the guidelinesset out in the ISO 26000 standard is a key element of strategic business activities and relations with stakeholders, including employees.
Ranking of Responsible Companies
We came second in both the industry and general classification in the fourteenth edition of the Responsible Companies Ranking. Our bank was recognised as an institution that pursues sustainable development goals with great commitment and high quality.
”Company-friendly bank”
We were ranked first in the Forbes’ Company Friendly Bank monthly ranking.
Newsweek’s ranking
We came third in the Newsweek’s Friendly Bank ranking – in the traditional banking category.
Best service
We were selected as a leader in the quality of customer service in branches in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd waves of the survey in the Institution of the Year 2022 project.
In the category ”Best quality of service in remote channels” in the 3rd wave of the survey we were ranked 2nd and our email communication was particularly appreciated.
The Santander Bank Polska Foundation was also recognised in the survey for its social responsibility activities.
A number of distinctions in the Golden Banker ranking
We took second place in the categories: Best Multichannel Service Quality, Personal Account (our Account As I Want It was awarded) and Socially Sensitive Bank (for the We Will Double Your Impact campaign).
Our mobile app spot featuring Marcin Dorociński won first place in the Advertising Spot category.
Best distributor
We were named the best structured products distributor in Poland in a competition organised by structuredretailproducts.com.
Best Private Banking
In a competition organised by ”Euromoney” Private Banking magazine we were recognised as the best bank in Poland. Our asset management, technological investments and environmental and social undertakings were highly valued.
Silver Clip for our campaign
In a competition organised by the Association of Public Relations Firms, we received the Silver Clip award in the ”Finance” category for the ”Cyber-sense” campaign in social media.
We were awarded the title Ethical Company 2021 for our efforts to build and strengthen an organizational culture based on ethics and corporate social responsibility principles, distinguishing ourselves from other companies in Poland.