Results of the environmental area

Emission levels associated with Santander Bank Polska S.A.’s operations in 2021. (in tons of CO2E). Below is a summary of the calculation of CO2 emission levels in „own” activities (scope 1) and those directly dependent on Santander Bank S.A. operations. (scope 2), as well as business travel (scope 3). The methodology and scope of the calculations are included in the methodological appendix at the end of the TCFD report, which is an integral part of this report.

Emission category Emissions in 2021 (in tonnes of CO2e)
Location-based Market- based
Scope 1 5,957.1 5,957.1
Scope 2 29,175.5 15,513.0
Scope 3 94.7 94.7*
Scopes 1+2 Total 35,132.6 21,470.2

We use several metrics to measure our climate impact, including, among others, kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions translated into liters of gasoline consumed in the fleet, emissions from electricity consumption in our offices, and consumption of district heat.

A detailed summary of our emissions, including a description of the sources of these emissions we have considered, the consumption of the source expressed in the appropriate unit of measurement, the type of data, and the emission factor, along with the source on which the calculation was based, can be found in the TCFD report.

Green finance in 2021

Area EUR m PLN m
Green buildings 107.8 495.7
Renewables 109.5 503.7
Clean mobility 79.1 363.6
Agro 76.2 350.5
Circular economy 0.2 0.9
Total 372.8 1,714.4

Electricity consumption in 2020 and 2021

Electricity consumption [MWh] 2020 2021
Total electricity consumption 29,917,00 26,449.00
Total energy consumption from non-renewable resources 11,078,86 14,174.30
of which:
natural gas 9,408.64 12,399.38
fuel oil 1,351.41 1,549.37
Diesel oil 318.81 225.55
Percentage of green energy purchased by the Bank 100% 100%

The bank’s car fleet.

2020 2021
Number of petrol cars 85 13
Number of diesel cars 7 2
Number of hybrid/electric cars 1,303 1,308

Business travel

Indicator 2019 2020 2021
Number of business trips per employee 3.17 1.55 0.60

Reductions in diesel and petrol consumption associated with business travel using the bank’s car fleet in 2021

Diesel consumption (in l) 8,563.52
Reduction in diesel consumption versus 2020 -23,317.93
Petrol consumption (l) 1,446 502
Reduction in petrol consumption versus 2020 -53,431.48
Average fuel consumption per employee 127.94

Paper consumption

Paper consumption 2020 2021
Branch banking [tonnes] 186 177
Head Office buildings [tonnes] 34 19

Paper waste and other waste, including electronic data carriers (disposal)

Type of waste Head Office Branches Total
Paper [kg] 684,121 532,439 1,216,560
Magnetic data carriers [kg] 12,120 1,650 13,770

Water consumption

Total volume of water abstracted by source (in m3) Head Office Branches
Water supplied from the municipal network 23,540.00 50,038.00
Other sources
Total 23,540.00 50,038.00