Employment structure

  • GRI:
  • Employees2-7

Employment in the Santander Bank Polska Group and in Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Employment in the Santander Bank Polska Group Employment in the Santander Bank Polska S.A.
2021 11,581 9,584
2020 13,158 10,671
2019 14,032 11,118
Number of employees of Santander Bank Polska S.A. / Santander Bank Polska Group, both full-time and part-time, regardless of the employment status, as at 31.12.2021

Number of full-time and part-time employees by gender in 2021

Full-time 9,186
Female 6,403
Male 2,783
Part-time 615
Female 357
Male 258
Data refers to the number of people employed by the bank, regardless of the employment status

Number of full-time and part-time employees (persons) by region in 2021

Female Male Total
Warsaw Full-time 1,094 753 1,847
Part-time 79 67 146
Agglomerations Full-time 2,507 1,488 3,995
Part-time 208 161 369
Large cities Full-time 1,204 304 1,508
Part-time 58 26 84
Other Full-time 1,598 238 1,836
Part-time 12 4 16
Data refer to the number of people employed by the bank, regardless of the employment status

Number of employees and associates (per person) by workplace in 2021

  Female Male Total
Business support centre 3,197 2,274 5,471
Bank branches 3,563 767 4,330
* Data refer to the number of people employed by the Bank, regardless of the employment status.

Number of employees and associates by employment contract duration in 2021 r.

Fixed term (total) 1,074
Female 689
Male 385
Indefinite term (total) 8,727
Female 6,071
Male 2,656
* Data refer to the number of people employed by the Bank, regardless of the employment status.
  • GRI:
  • Workers who are not employees2-8
    Workers who are not employees

Number of employees and associates employed under arrangements other than employment contracts (persons) in 2021

Employed under a contract of mandate 1,430
Female 984
Male 446
Employed under a contract for specific work 0
Female 0
Male 0
* Data refer to the number of people employed by the bank, regardless of the employment status.


  • GRI:
  • Diversity of supervisory bodies and staff (Composition of supervisory bodies and staff by gender, age, minorities, and other diversity indicators).405-1
    Diversity of supervisory bodies and staff (Composition of supervisory bodies and staff by gender, age, minorities, and other diversity indicators).

Total number of employees by gender (per FTE)

Total number of employees by gender (per person)

Female Male
6,258 2,808
* The data refers to the number of FTEs at Santander Bank Polska S.A. with the status of ,,active"
Female Male
6,546 3,038
* The data refers to the number of FTEs at Santander Bank Polska S.A. with the status of ,,active"

The number and percentage of Bank employees in each category in 2021 in relation to the total number of employees in the organization

Number of employees Female (%) Male (%) Percentage in each category combined (%)
<30 years 1,469 10.34% 4.65% 14.99%
30-50 years 6,654 46.42% 21.47% 67.89%
>50 years 1,678 12.21% 4.91% 17.12%

Bank employees by employment structure (percentage of employees in each category in 2021 to total number of employees)

  Female Male Total percentage from each category (%)
Top management 0.01% 0.08% 0.09%
Senior management 0.42% 0.68% 1.10%
Other managers 7.28% 5.65% 12.94%
Other employees in non managerial positions 61.26% 24.61% 85.87%

Employee turnover

  • GRI:
  • Total number and percentage of new employees and total number of employees who left the organization during the reporting period401-1
    Total number and percentage of new employees and total number of employees who left the organization during the reporting period
  • GPW:
  • Staff turnoverS-P3
    Staff turnover

Employees newly hired on a contract basis in 2021 by gender and age

Number of employees at the end of 2021 9,801
Including women 6,760
Including men 3,041
Total number of employees newly hired during 2021 ( number of people hired, contracted employment) by gender*
Total number of newly hired employees 1,150
Including women 727
Including men 423
Share of newly hired employees by gender in the total number of employees**:
Including women 7.42%
Including men 4.32%
Share of newly hired employees by gender in total number of newly hired employees
Including women *** 63.22%
Including men **** 36.78%
Total number of employees newly hired during 2021 (number of people hired, contracted employment) by age category:
Including employees under 30 years of age 585
Including workers aged 30-50 538
Including employees over 50 years of age 27
Share of newly hired employees by age category in the total number of employees**:
Including employees under 30 years of age 5.97%
Including workers aged 30-50 5.49%
Including employees over 50 years of age 0.28%
Share of newly hired employees by age category in the total number of newly hired employees:
Including employees under 30 years of age 50.87%
Including workers aged 30-50 46.78%
Including employees over 50 years of age 2.35%
The data refers to the number of people employed by the Bank, regardless of employment status
* The data refers to the number of people employed by the Bank, regardless of employment status. If a person is employed twice during the year, it is shown once.
** For the figure of 9,801 - the number of employees regardless of employment status.
*** Ratio of newly hired women in the reported period to the number of all women employed on contract at the bank as of December 31, 2021.
**** Ratio of newly hired men in the reported period to the number of all men employed on contract at the bank as of December 31, 2021.

Total number of newly hired employees on a contract basis (per person) in 2021, broken down by working hours and location

Full-time 1,030
Warsaw 218
Agglomerations 414
Large cities 192
Other 206
Part-time 120
Warsaw 20
Agglomerations 86
Large cities 14
Other 0
* The data refers to the number of people, regardless of employment status

Total number of departures (per person) by gender and age in 2021

Total number of job departures*: 2 077
Including women: 1,462
Including men: 615
Share of employee departures in the total number of employees** by gender:
Including women: 14.92%
Including men: 6.27%
Share of employee departures by gender in total number of employee departures:
Including women ***: 70.39%
Including men ****: 29.61%
Total number of contracted employees who left their jobs (number of people) by age category:
Number of employees under 30 474
Number of employees aged 30-50 1,239
Number of employees over 50 years old 364
Share of employee departures by age category in the total number of employees**:
<30 4.84%
30-50 years 12.64%
>50 years old 3.71%
Share of employee departures by age category in the total number of employee departures:
<30 22.82%
30-50 years 59.65%
>50 years old 17.53%
* Data refers to the number of people, regardless of employment status. Total number of departures from 2021. If one person has left twice, they are shown once.
** For the figure of 9,801 - the number of employees regardless of employment status.
*** Ratio of female departures in the reported period to the number of all female employees of the Bank on a contract of employment as of 31/12/2021.
**** Ratio of male departures in the reported period to the number of all male employees on contract at the Bank as of December 31, 2021

Assessing the quality of work

  • GRI:
  • Percentage of employees subject to regular performance evaluation and career development reviews, by gender and employment category404-3
    Percentage of employees subject to regular performance evaluation and career development reviews, by gender and employment category

Percentage of employees subject to regular job quality assessments and career development reviews by gender and employment category in 2021

Employment category Female Male
Senior management 34,20% 65,80%
Lower level management 56,50% 43,50%
Other employees 69,50% 30,50%


  • GRI:
  • Ratio of male to female base salary by position held405-2
    Ratio of male to female base salary by position held

Average wages for men and women in 2021 by employment category and by markets where the Bank operates

Market Employment category Average basic salary for women Average basic salary for men Ratio of women’s basic pay to men’s basic pay


Senior management PLN 33,047.92 PLN 40,706.76 81%
Middle management PLN 17,309.56 PLN 21,828.02 79%
Other employees PLN 9,202.94 PLN 13,121.13 70%


Senior management PLN 28,848.57 PLN 31,832.14 91%
Middle management PLN 14,057.30 PLN 15,723.78 89%
Other employees PLN 7,120.90 PLN 9,287.17 77%

Large cities

Senior management PLN 25,000.00 PLN 19,000.00 132%
Middle management PLN 11,433.07 PLN 12,547.56 91%
Other employees PLN 5,489.13 PLN 6,938.95 79%


Senior management PLN 28,750.00
Middle management PLN 10,591.77 PLN 11,736.14 90%
Other employees PLN 4,98426 PLN 5,998.10 83%
  • GRI:
  • Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage202-1
    Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage

Average wages for men and women in 2021 by employment category and by markets where the Bank operates

Female Male
Average monthly salary of the lowest-level employees 4,288 4,084
% of minimum wage 153% 146%
  • GRI:
  • Annual total compensation ratio2-21
    Annual total compensation ratio

Annual salary index

Ratio of annual total compensation for the highest paid person in the organization to the median annual total compensation of all employees (excluding the the highest paid person 32.60
Ratio of the percentage increase in total annual compensation for the highest paid person in the organization to the median percentage increase in total annual compensation for all employees (excluding the highest paid person) 0.83


  • GRI:
  • Type and rate of work-related injuries403-9
    Type and rate of work-related injuries

Accidents (incidents) at work in 2021 by gender

Number of employees who participated in health and safety training in 2021

*(LDR, calculated as the ratio of the total number of days lost to the number of planned working hours of employees in the reporting period * 200000)

Female Male
Total number of accidents (incidents) at work 21 4
of which fatal accidents 0 0
of which major accidents (incidents) 0 0
of which minor accidents (incidents) 21 4
Total number of persons injured in accidents: 25
Total accident incidence rate (IR, calculated as the total number of persons injured in accidents/employment × 1,000) 2.55
Accident incidence rate 3.11 1.31
Total number of days lost to work due to work accidents
(LDR, calculated as the ratio of the total number of days lost to the number of planned working hours of employees in the reporting period * 200000)
804 41
Accident severity rate (calculated as the number of lost days due to accidents/number of accidents) 33.8
38.3 10.2
Absence rate (AR, calculated as the total number of days of absence from work/number of days worked per year * 200000))



8.83 1.05
  • GRI:
  • Worker training on occupational health and safety403-5
    Worker training on occupational health and safety

Number of employees who participated in health and safety training in 2021

Number of people who took part in initial training in occupational health and safety 667
Number of people who took part in periodic training in occupational health and safety 539