10 years in Poland


Santander Universidades
Education is a fundamental pillar of our social commitment, and our flagship programme in this area is Santander Universidades.
This is a wide-ranging initiative whose main objective is to support:
education – we want to provide equal opportunities of access to quality education for young people,
entrepreneurship – we want to support people in turning their ideas into successful businesses,
young people entering the labour market – we want to help them acquire competences sought after by employers.
Santander Universidades in numbers
Number of universities: 59
Budget allocated to activities in 2021: PLN 1.5 million
Number of scholarships in 2021: 6,422
Number of users of the Santander Scholarship platform: 42,047, including 30,528 in 2021.
25 years worldwide
Number of universities: more than 1,000 universities in 15 countries
Budget allocated to activities since the beginning of the programme: EUR 2.1 billion
Number of scholarships since the beginning of the programme: 630,000.
Relationship centres at universities
We have 12 relationship centres at Polish universities. We use them to create a platform for cooperation between the world of business and academia, and as a result we help to improve the quality of education by orienting it to the needs of the current labour market. Within our relationship centres we offer a relaxation zone and meeting rooms, support the organisation of events and teach new technologies.
We are present in 7 Polish cities:
Santander Scholarships platform
The most important element of the Santander Universidades programme is the scholarship platform, which gives people over 18 years of age access to educational projects funded by the Santander Group. Thanks to it, people interested in acquiring new competences can take advantage of educational programmes offered not only by Polish institutions, but also by Spanish, German, English and even Brazilian ones. In 2021 alone, we awarded 6,422 scholarships in Poland.

Please visit sandander-grants.com for all current recruitments for our funded scholarship programmes.
Examples of (selected) projects implemented in 2021 within Santander Universidades
Santander Universidades Academy, a series of webinars for students, graduates and all individuals interested in broadly understood banking. Thanks to the cooperation between the Cracow University of Economics and Santander Universidades, participants had the opportunity to listen to lectures on topics such as finance, economics, leadership, artificial intelligence, robotisation and auditing.
Student Nobel Prize 2021, a competition organised by the Independent Students’ Association, in which students compete in 9 categories – from technology to arts and social activities. The aim of the competition is to recognise the best students and increase their chances of succeeding in the world of science and business.
Santander Language Scholarship | English and IELTS with the British Council, a free online English language course for 500 people, which offered the opportunity to improve their English and pass the IELTS test. Almost 10,000 people applied for the project.
This formula, which has been described as the Santander Universidades Academy, seems to fit in very well with the formula of economic universities. We see an increase in the knowledge of these people and we feel satisfaction that in relation, in conversation, in dialogue with people who deal with banking on a daily basis, these people learn really fast and very quickly develop new competences
More information about Santander Universidades can be found:
Security in Cyberspace educational project
The project is coordinated by the Warsaw Banking Institute and our bank has been its partner since 2017. The aim is to disseminate basic knowledge on broadly understood online safety and to develop practical skills related to the use of new technologies.
Details of the project ”Security in Cyberspace” can be found at cyber.wib.edu.pl.

In 2021, we reached 122,340 people by organising together with our partners:
> 1,000lessons for 91,061 primary and secondary school pupils from all over Poland
>150lectures for 12,060 students from all over Poland,
127training courses attended by 15,283 first-year students,
>1,000lectures for more than 1,000 people aged 65+,
936persons who completed
e-learning courses -
> 2,000participants of the 5th Congress on Financial Education and Entrepreneurship
Educational activities on cyber security
At the beginning of February 2021, we launched the Cyber Proverbs campaign on the social media channels of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Its aim was to promote online safety using slogans based on the most popular Polish proverbs. All this was done to draw the attention of Internet users to the basic principles ensuring the security of both personal and banking data in the virtual space.

We were awarded a ”Silver Clip Award” in the 'Finance’ category for our ”Cyber Proverbs” campaign.
As part of the ’Fairy Tales for Adults’ campaign we have in turn produced a series of fairy tale videos that show how a well-crafted 'fairy tale’ story can lull our vigilance on the Internet and lead to serious consequences. Our fairy tales were created in cooperation with three popular Polish writers: Janina Bąk, Wojciech Chmielarz and Jakub Szamałka.
For more information on the Fairy Tales for Adults campaign, visit Santander.pl/bajki.
The educational project "How’s Your Driving"
The „How’s Your Driving” campaign has been running since 2015. Its aim is to promote responsible and polite behaviour on the road. We communicate mainly through social media, posting interesting facts related to car use and safe driving, as well as current traffic information. A distinctive feature of the campaign is the consistent involvement of users in the creation of the largest community of drivers focused on road safety and culture in Poland.
In 2021:
- Our content was viewed 12 million times on Facebook and 1 million times on Instagram;
- On Facebook, users posted 12,000 comments and on Instagram we had 55,000 active followers;
- The project attracted a record number of users who actively participated in the discussions, often initiating them themselves;
- We recorded 13,000 hits on our website.
More information about the ”How’s Your Driving” project can be found at jakjezdzisz.pl/.
Digital Festival 2021
As part of our commitment to technology education, we were a partner in the 3rd edition of the Digital Festival, the largest initiative of its kind in Poland, which in 2021 was held under the slogan „Digital is not a revolution. It’s evolution!” The purpose of the event is to introduce Poles to digital technologies, increasingly present in our everyday life.
An important element of the festival is the „SkillUp Academy” platform with free trainings that help develop digital competences. Santander Bank Polska experts were involved in the creation of several training courses, which benefited 1,845 people. (as of December 31, 2021).
The bank was also a partner of one of the festival publications „Modern Senior – A Guide to the Digital World”. We co-authored the chapter on mobile banking from which seniors can learn that online banking is easy and safe and how not to fall prey to online fraudsters. „Modern Senior” has been downloaded as a PDF from the Festival website 1167 times (as of December 31, 2021).
For more information about the festival and available training courses, visit the SkillUp Academy website.
Reports and guides produced as part of the festival are available on the Festival website.
"Gym of Remembrance"
In 2021, we supported the Shipyard Foundation’s „Memory Gym” project by subsidizing the printing of a guidebook entitled. „Mind Training for Seniors. Scenarios for working in senior – caregiver pairs”. It is 300 pages of ready-made lesson plans, exercises and worksheets for conducting cognitive function training with senior citizens, including those suffering from dementia syndromes or mild cognitive disorders caused by age, depression, anxiety or somatic disorders.
The book also included educational material prepared by banking experts on online and mobile banking for seniors, along with exercises to stimulate language function and memory. The guidebook went to 3280 beneficiaries.
More about the project: https://www.silowniapamieci.pl/