Financial performance and key performance indicators
- GRI:
Direct value generated and distributed201-1Direct value generated and distributed
- ESG:
Our approach to corporate governanceG – GovernanceOur approach to corporate governance
In an economic environment recovering after 2020, our Group generated increases in key business volumes. This is primarily due to our flexible and transparent offering, its omnichannel availability and the multidimensional, consistent improvement in the quality of the customer experience.
In addition to the increase in the scale of our core business, we recorded higher customer interest in the Group’s offerings in trade finance, foreign payments and investment solutions, among others. Customer transactionality and activity in remote channels also increased.
*Total branches, off-site locations and Santander Zones.
**Including 426 recyclers.
***Including 398 recyclers.
****Including 440 recyclers.
Interim reports presenting the Bank’s financial results can be found on our website under Investor Relations, in the Financial Statements section.