- GRI:
Highest governance body structure and composition2-9Highest governance body structure and composition
Nomination and selection of the highest governance body2-10Nomination and selection of the highest governance body
Chair of the highest governance body2-11Chair of the highest governance body
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts2-12Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
- GPW:
Diversity in supervisory bodiesS-P1Diversity in supervisory bodies
Structure of management bodiesG-P1Structure of management bodies
Our Management Board*
Michał Gajewski
President of the Management Board, CEO
Andrzej Burliga
Vice-President of the Management Board
Risk Management Division
Juan de Porras Aguirre
Vice-President of the Management Board
Corporate and Investment Banking Division
Arkadiusz Przybył
Vice-President of the Management Board
Retail Banking Division
Lech Gałkowski
Member of the Management Board
Business and Corporate Banking Division
Patryk Nowakowski
Member of the Management Board
Digital Transformation Division
Maciej Reluga
Member of the Management Board
Finance Management Division
Carlos Polaino Izquierdo
Member of the Management Board
Financial Accounting and Control Division
Dorota Strojkowska
Member of the Management Board
Business Partnerships Division
*Composition of the Management Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. as at 31 December 2021.
Appointment of the Management Board
- GRI:
Nomination and selection of the highest governance body2-10Nomination and selection of the highest governance body
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body2-18Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body
The members of the bank’s Management Board are appointed and dismissed in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code and the Banking Law and the provisions of the bank’s Statutes.
The appointment of two members of the Management Board, including the President, is subject to the approval of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF). Members of the Management Board may be dismissed by the Supervisory Board or the General Meeting of Shareholders at any time.
Our internal regulation specifying, among other things, the requirements for Members of the Management Board is the ”Policy of Nominating and Assessing the Suitability of Members of the Management Board and Key Executives of Santander Bank Polska S.A.” According to it, when appointing members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, we take into account criteria that ensure the comprehensiveness and diversity of these bodies. All members of the Management Board are subject to an individual suitability assessment and the Management Board as a whole to a collective suitability assessment.
The requirements for Management Board Members, the appointment process and the duties of Management Board Members are described in detail in the ”Management Report on the Activities of the Santander Bank Polska Group in 2021”2
The Members of the Management Board manage the Company’s affairs jointly, in particular:
- define the mission of the bank,
- set long-term action plans and strategic objectives,
- develop assumptions for business and financial plans,
- approve plans and monitor their implementation,
- keep the Supervisory Board regularly informed of the bank’s situation, at times and in the scope agreed with that body,
- set up standing and ad hoc committees and designate persons responsible for steering the work of these committees.

- GRI:
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
The Committees are composed of Management Board Members and other appointed persons. Our standing committees include:
- Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO)
- Credit Policy Forum for Retail Portfolios
- Credit Policy Forum for SME Portfolios
- Credit Policy Forum for Business and Corporate
- Portfolios
- Provisions Committee
- Operational Risk Management Committee (ORMCO)
- Disclosure Committee
- Information Management Committee
- Risk Management Committee
- Model Risk Management Committee
- Savings and Investment Products Strategy Committee (Deposit Working Group)
- Marketing Forum
- Risk Management Forum
- Regulatory and Reputational Risk Committee
- Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism
- Financing Committee
- Credit Committee
- Local Marketing and Monitoring Committee
- Public Policy Committee
- Restructuring Committee
- Responsible Banking and Corporate Culture
- Committee
- Capital Committee
- Suppliers Panel
- Capital Stress Test Forum
- Investment Advisory Committee
- Risk Control Committee
- Special Situations Management Committee
- Operations Committee of the Business Model
- Transformation Area
- General Compliance Committee
Supervisory Board
The bank’s Supervisory Board has the following committees:
- Audit and Compliance Committee,
- Risk Committee,
- Nominations Committee,
- Remuneration Committee.
Composition of the Supervisory Board:
Antonio Escámez Torres
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
José Luís de Mora
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dominika Bettman
José García Cantera
Danuta Dąbrowska
Isabel Guerreiro
David Hexter
John Power
Jerzy Surma
Marynika Woroszylska-Sapieha