- prevent discrimination and practices that violate human dignity,
- prevent forced labour and child labour,
- respect the freedom of association and collective bargaining,
- protect employees’ health,
- offer stable working conditions.

Human Rights policy
- GPW:
Human rights policyS-P5Human rights policy
Human rights due diligence proceduresS-P6Human rights due diligence procedures
”Human Rights Policy” sets out our key objectives for respecting and promoting human rights in business activities, preventing and minimizing violations arising from our operations.
We have also included human rights protection provisions in our ”Sustainable Development Policy”. This document underlines the bank’s commitment to respecting and promoting respect for human rights for all of its stakeholders.
The ”Defence Sector Policy” introduces exclusions and restrictions on cooperation with customers engaged in activities related to weapons and dual use technologies. In the document we also draw attention to the risks associated with projects located in countries that have not ratified the basic UN legal acts on human rights or are subject to UN/EU sanctions for failure to respect human rights or applying internal repression as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child dedicated to involvement of children in armed conflicts.
Issues related to the implementation of our policy to promote and respect human rights are described in the Diversity in the Workplace section.
Pursuant to the ”Human Rights Policy”, the bank undertakes to:
- offer only products and/or services that match customers’ situation and needs, making it easy for them to understand the terms and conditions, benefits, risks and costs,
- avoid any unjustified discrimination when offering products in accordance with the provisions of the ”General Code of Conduct” of Santander Bank Polska S.A promote respect for human rights throughout the supply chain,
- apply the ”Supplier Selection Policy”, including environmental, social and ethical criteria that suppliers are expected to meet,
- promote relationships with suppliers that are committed to respecting human rights and have their own policies in this respect.
- promote adherence to the ”Human Rights Policy”, where this is required due to their origin, type of activity or importance to the bank.
- promote respect for human rights, especially in those places where legal and institutional systems are less developed,
- respect, support and promote human rights in the communities the bank serves,
- supervise and control the impact of operational activities on communities,
- guarantee security to protect human rights,
- help combat corruption.