- GRI:
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts2-12Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
We modify and develop our risk management methods on an ongoing basis, taking into account changes in the Group’s risk profile and the economic environment, as well as regulatory requirements and market best practices.
Risk management system
Objectives | Responsibility for implementation | Material risks identified |
Management Board and Supervisory Board:
Separate dedicated units within the Bank’s structures:
ESG risk management within the risk management framework
- GRI:
Processes to remediate negative impacts2-25Processes to remediate negative impacts
Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix) for the topic: Integrating ESG into the organisation's risk management system3-3Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix) for the topic: Integrating ESG into the organisation's risk management system
We have identified social and environmental risks, including climate risks, associated with the financing of customer projects in sensitive sectors. From the point of view of the negative impact of individual risks on social, environmental, labour, human rights and anti-corruption issues, operational risk, compliance risk and reputational risk are of particular importance. The management of socio-environmental risks in our bank has been governed by relevant policies since 2015.
In 2021, we implemented the „Social, Environmental and Climate Change Risk Management Policy”.
Risk Committee
The tasks of the Risk Committee include in particular:
- giving an opinion on the bank’s overall current and future risk appetite;
- giving an opinion on the risk management strategy developed by the bank’s Management Board and supervising its implementation;
- supporting the Management Board in overseeing the implementation of the risk management strategy by senior management;
- verifying whether the prices of liabilities and assets offered to customers fully reflect the bank’s business model and its risk strategy and, in the event of a negative verification, making proposals to the bank’s Management Board ensuring the adequacy of prices of liabilities and assets in relation to risks;
- giving an opinion in the process of appointing and removing the Member of the Management Board in charge of risk management, as well as giving its opinion on the annual objectives and their implementation.
At the bank, we analyse the impact of climate-related opportunities and risks on business operations, strategy and financial plans over the short, medium and long term. In making lending decisions, the bank is aware that relying solely on historical financial data can lead to wrong conclusions, while simultaneous analysis of non-financial data can shed new light on risk perception and capital allocation.
From 2022 onwards, selected customer segments (largest customers, mortgage and leasing customers), will be covered by the Sustainable Finance Classification System (SFCS), which defines the technical criteria that dedicated green finance and general purpose finance must meet to be called green or socially sustainable.
Sectoral policies
When considering applications for financial products or services from entities representing sensitive business sectors, the bank applies relevant policies together with a socio-environmental risk analysis. First, the bank’s business units assess the environmental impact of the specific transaction/activity of the customer and compliance with the requirements described in the policies. On this basis, a recommendation is prepared to the relevant risk units of the bank (in accordance with internal regulations).
In 2021, we implemented the Social, Environmental and Climate Change Risk Management Policy. The previous three sector policies on soft commodities, the energy sector and mining and metals ceased to apply on the date of entry into force of the new document.
Responsibility for ESG risk management
- GRI:
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts2-12Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
The ESG Forum has been responsible for planning our activities under the Responsible Banking Strategy since 2021. The Forum consists of 11 members representing all banking divisions and is chaired by the bank’s CEO.

The tasks of the Forum include:
analysing the challenges, opportunities and risks of the EU Sustainable Finance agenda, including ESG risks;
planning activities;
coordinating the implementation of the activities in the bank.
The results of the ESG Forum’s work are reported regularly to the bank’s Management Board and twice a year to the Responsible Banking and Corporate Culture Committee.
The bank’s Management Board is responsible for overseeing and approving the Responsible Banking Strategy and the integration of ESG criteria into the overall business strategy (in the short, medium and/or long term) and into risk management.
At Santander Bank Polska S.A., all Management Board Members are responsible for ESG risk issues. The Risk Division acts as the second line of defence in the management of ESG risks.