- GRI:
Activities, value chain and other business relationships2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationships
Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria308-1Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria
Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria414-1Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria
The processes used to identify and assess climate-related risks, the main risks, and how these risks are managedKE/TCFDThe processes used to identify and assess climate-related risks, the main risks, and how these risks are managed
- ESG:
Our approach to the environmentE- EnviromentOur approach to the environment
- Our approach to Social Responsibility
The following policies and procedures govern supply chain management:
”Purchasing Policy of Santander Bank Polska S.A.”,
”Supplier Selection Procedure of Santander Bank Polska S.A.”,
”Policy of Cooperation with Suppliers and Outsourcing at Santander Bank Polska S.A.”,
”Procedure for Supplier Management and Outsourcing at Santander Bank Polska S.A.”.
We updated the last two regulations in 2021, aligning them with the guidelines of Recommendation Z on internal governance principles in banks issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF).
The principles of cooperation with suppliers are also included in the ”Sustainable Development Policy” and the ”Human Rights Policy”.
Supplier selection process
We are continually developing our supplier selection and management process and adapting it to changing business and social realities.
All our suppliers are subject to uniform selection rules. When qualifying suppliers for cooperation:
- we check that they diversify their income and do not become dependent on the bank;
- we verify the presented certificates e.g. environmental, labour relations;
- we confirm their compliance with CSR principles, our ethical codes, anti-corruption policies and programmes and the reports we publish;
- we examine ethical approach to finance by controlling payment of contributions for employees, taxes and possible outstanding debt to contractors.
The information obtained as a result of these processes has a direct impact on the decision to enter into cooperation with a supplier.
CSR survey for suppliers
Each supplier of products or services that participates in our purchasing process completes a CSR survey in which they are required to provide information on:
- social responsibility activities,
- compliance with the criteria concerning employment practices and respect for human rights,
- compliance with environmental criteria (the environmental impact of goods and services).
When evaluating offers, we take into account the level of social responsibility activity assessed on the basis of a questionnaire. It can be decisive when selecting a new supplier.
By requiring all suppliers invited to participate in the bank’s procurement processes to complete a CSR survey, we make some companies aware of the topic of social responsibility for the first time. The educational impact of our survey is tangible.
Newly signed agreements with our suppliers include mandatory CSR clauses which oblige suppliers to comply with the 10 principles of the Global Compact.
- GRI:
Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria308-1Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria
Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria414-1Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria

Key indicators reflecting the performance of purchasing policies:
1,178Number of suppliers with an annual turnover exceeding PLN 50,000:
991Number of suppliers subject to qualification:
144Number of completed purchasing processes
92%Percentage of suppliers - Polish or foreign - with registered office or branch in Poland
749Number of suppliers that were reviewed for CSR aspects
749Number of suppliers reviewed for environmental matters/requirements.
In 2021, Santander Group conducted a global supplier survey in which our stakeholders, Santander Bank Polska’s suppliers, also took part. We examined the principles that guide our suppliers in terms of environmental care and social and managerial responsibility. The results of the 2021 and 2020 survey will allow us to set more precise objectives and plan our actions towards suppliers for the coming years, especially for educational initiatives on ESG areas.
Plans for 2022
- We will continue the work commenced in early 2022 to change the CSR survey to a new ESG survey which is intended to reflect the bank’s current approach to ESG. We are working with a group of external experts as part of the planned changes.
- We intend to develop educational materials on ESG for suppliers who want to learn more and start to actively pursue and enhance their knowledge of sustainability goals.