Approach to managing environmental impacts and climate protection
- GRI:
Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix) for the topic: Green finance3-3Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix) for the topic: Green finance
- ESG:
Our approach to the environmentE- EnviromentOur approach to the environment
Our approach to corporate governanceG – GovernanceOur approach to corporate governance
The impact of climate issues and associated risks on a company's business model, strategy and financial plans. Impact of the business model on climateKE/TCFDThe impact of climate issues and associated risks on a company's business model, strategy and financial plans. Impact of the business model on climate
Company climate-related policies, including climate change mitigation or adaptation policiesKE/TCFDCompany climate-related policies, including climate change mitigation or adaptation policies
- PRB:
We will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.1 AlignmentWe will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.
We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.2 ImpactWe will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.
- GPW:
Climate-related risks and benefitsE-P3Climate-related risks and benefits
Sustainability, caring for the environment and tackling the effects of climate change are the key elements of 'Security and Trust’ – one of the six strategic directions of the bank’s overall business strategy for 2021-2023. Our approach to ESG and sustainability is also defined in the Responsible Banking Strategy which is an integral part of the business strategy.
More information about the Responsible Banking Strategy can be found in Responsible Banking – Managing ESG issues.
In practice, this means developing environmentally friendly, ”green” products and solutions, supporting the transition to a low- and zero-carbon economy, conducting educational activities aimed at customers, employees and local communities and aligning our operations with the requirements of international environmental and climate change regulations. As part of our environmental responsibility, we also carry out initiatives to reduce the bank’s environmental footprint.
In managing our environmental impact, we apply the prudence principle and the overarching document describing our approach to environmental issues is the ”Sustainability Policy”, in which we declare, among other things, that we aim to:
minimise the environmental impact of our premises (by taking into account our internal environmental footprint, e.g. energy consumption, maintenance of buildings),
address the environmental impact of our banking activities,
promote products and services that respect the environment,
analyse and assess the impact of financed projects on climate change.
Our governance model and distribution of responsibilities with regard to climate strategy are presented in our TCFD Report.
Global Net Zero Strategy
- GRI:
Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix) for the topic: Aligning the portfolio to the goals of the Net Zero 2050 strategy 3-3Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix) for the topic: Aligning the portfolio to the goals of the Net Zero 2050 strategy
Our Net Zero strategy envisages that the entire Santander Group will be zero-carbon by 2050. The reduction includes both internal emissions, caused by electricity consumption or business travel, but also emissions that result from our financing – lending, advisory or investment services provided to clients from all segments.
We have already achieved internal carbon neutrality in 2020. This was made possible by the transition to green energy (100% of the energy purchased directly by the bank comes from RES) and the purchase of carbon credits, i.e. green certified assets that offset emissions.
As part of our pursuit of carbon neutrality, we have committed that from 2030 we will stop financing energy companies whose revenue from coal-fired generation exceeds 10%. In addition, we plan to completely reduce our exposure to thermal coal producers by 2030. One of our priorities is to support customers in the green transition through extensive financing of renewable energy sources and active promotion of green financial products.
Read more about the bank’s efforts towards climate neutrality in the TCFD Report, the Strategy chapter.
Environmental activities undertaken in 2021:
- We developed and strengthened our responsible banking agenda based on ESG indicators.
- We aligned our activities with the Group’s Net Zero strategy.
- We implemented a new ”Environmental, Social and Climate Change Risk Management” policy.
- We implemented a new governance model for the responsible banking agenda.
- We established an ESG Forum and appointed 11 ESG Leads representing each division of the bank.
- We are implementing the Sustainable Finance Classification System.
- We developed the bank’s Green Offer and supported customers in their green transformation and transition to a low- and zero-carbon operating model.
- We carried out the second largest green bond issue for a non-financial company with a total value of EUR 311 million.
- We committed EUR 109 million to support the development of renewable energy sources (RES).
- We allocated EUR 372 million for green financing in 2021.
- We issued, for the first time, Santander Bank Polska S.A. sustainable bonds with a total value of PLN 750 million.
Environmental and climate risk in Santander Bank Polska
Management oversight of climate-related risks and opportunitiesKE/TCFDManagement oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities
- ESG:
Our approach to the environmentE- EnviromentOur approach to the environment
- PRB:
We will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.1 AlignmentWe will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.
We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.2 ImpactWe will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.
We manage environmental risks arising from our own activities and those of the bank’s customers.
In 2021, we introduced the ”Environmental, Social and Climate Change Risk Management Policy”, which identifies the risks for each customer segment.
For the purpose of the TCFD report, which is an integral part of this ESG report, and to enhance Santander Bank Polska S.A.’s climate resilience, we conducted an analysis that allowed us to identify climate risks and opportunities in detail based on two climate scenarios, covering three timeframes: short-term (2025), medium-term (2030) and long-term (2050).
The analysis covered the entire value chain and all the markets in which Santander Bank Polska S.A. operates.
We have described our approach to managing ESG risks as part of our risk management framework in section Risks.
A detailed description of our climate risk management system is presented in the TCFD Report under Risk Management.