Support to customers in distress
We show understanding and try to support customers who experience problems with timely repayment of their liabilities. In such circumstances, the bank’s priority is to identify the causes of the situation and jointly find the best possible solutions to restore timely loan repayments.
We monitor arrears from an early stage of overdue payments and take action to support customers.
Early stage of overdue liabilities for Retail and SME customers |
Solutions available on Santander Internet for self-service by the customer: | Telephone contact with an advisor whose role is to ensure: | At our branches customers can apply for: |
Results of advisors’ performance evaluation
We regularly check whether our advisors apply partnership principles in practice when talking to customers and meet the expectations of customers in distress. We carry out surveys immediately after the conversation (SAT-NET indicator). Customers are asked to rate the friendliness, politeness and commitment of their advisor on a scale of 1 (least satisfied) to 7 (most satisfied).
Last year, we invited 82,800 customers to participate in the survey. The response rate was 29.8% and the level of SAT-NET customer satisfaction reached 86%.

Key figures:
29.8%Response rate
86%SAT-NET customer satisfaction level
Borrower support
- In accordance with the Act on Support for Mortgage Borrowers in Financial Distress, we accept customer applications for financial assistance from BGK funds.
- For mortgage customers with CHF loans, we have implemented and maintain the assistance package known as the ”ZBP 6-pack”. We offer all six elements of that package, which includes, among other things, conversion of the loan to PLN at the average NBP rate, currency spread reduced to 2%, and taking into account the negative CHF Libor. In addition, we also offer these customers a possibility of loan restructuring, reduction of instalments and change of loan security.
Information for the bank’s customers in distress is posted and updated on our website.