Corporate volunteering
- GRI:
Size of corporate volunteering; Custom indicator: Number of beneficiaries of corporate volunteering activities / yearCustom indicatorSize of corporate volunteering; Custom indicator: Number of beneficiaries of corporate volunteering activities / year
Scale of corporate volunteeringCustom indicatorScale of corporate volunteering
- ESG:
- Our approach to Social Responsibility
We have been developing corporate volunteering in Santander Bank Polska S.A. since 2010. We do it in three ways, through time volunteering, skill volunteering and economic education. We are proud to see how the corporate volunteering programme has become engrained in our organisational culture over all these years.
Corporate volunteering in numbers in 2021.
Number of completed corporate volunteering projects: 126
Number of beneficiaries of corporate volunteering activities: 22,145
Number of employee volunteers: 1,891*
Amount of money allocated by Santander Foundation to corporate volunteering: PLN 94,606.58
*Data as of the end of December 2021. The number of volunteers has decreased due to turnover and the layoff process.
For more information about our corporate volunteering programme and examples of activities carried out in 2021, please see the Foundation’s annual report.