Promoting entrepreneurship
Finansiaki is an original project by Santander Bank Polska supporting financial education of children and youth. Its main objective is to increase financial knowledge among children and teenagers, as well as the competence of their parents and teachers in teaching the basics of entrepreneurship.

18,818Total number of website views
258Number of participants in finance classes conducted by bank employees
412Number of the book downloads from finansiaki.pl website
3,926Number of books sent in PDF format to parents setting up an account
The centrepiece of the project is a website which provides materials for learning how to manage money. We have published also available for free guide a guide for parents „Finansiaki.” written by journalist Paweł Oksanowicz and economic psychologist Agata Trzcińska, Ph.D. On the project’s Facebook page we run ongoing communication aimed at helping parents and teachers to introduce children to the complicated world of finance in an attractive way. Additionally, in 2021 we cooperated with parenting influencers and bloggers to increase the scale of our reach.
More information about the „Finansiaki.” project can be found on the website finansiaki.pl or on its profile on Facebook: facebook.com/FinansiakiToMy/.
An important addition to the website is the involvement of our employees in conducting classes on financial education as part of corporate volunteering. Using scenarios developed by experts, they bring the world of finance closer to children in schools and kindergartens.
In addition, in 2021 we partnered with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna for Children’s Day – a special poll with children aged 9-15 on „Money is fun, but also… a big responsibility” (questions: Where does money come from, What is a family budget, pocket money, saving). An opinion poll was also conducted in August 2021 on our behalf on a group of 1,000 people (fathers and mothers of children aged 3 -7, 7-14, 14 – 17). The survey was conducted using the CAWI method on the Opinions.co.uk panel (owned by IQS) – an exploration of the topics parents talk to their children about money and finances in general.
For more information on the results of our surveys, please visit our website: