- ESG:
- Our approach to Social Responsibility
The direction of our business strategy for 2021-2023: Caring for employees
Strategic objective: Engaged employees

Our ambition:
We will continue to develop a corporate culture based on the Simple, Personal, Fair values
We will increase the commitment of our employees and maintain the TOP employer title
We will attract and retain the best talents
We will continue to develop key competences (including leadership competences)
Employees are our most valuable asset. That is why we have dedicated an entire area of our business strategy to the workplace. To realise our ambitions, we implement the actions included in our HR strategy, which currently focuses on:
- actively shaping an employee-oriented corporate culture,
- improving the employee’s experience,
- ensuring employee well-being,
- digitising processes and providing a flexible working environment.
We have retained the title of Top Employers Poland and Europe 2021 awarded to companies that create the best working conditions, care about talent development and improve recruitment processes.