Corporate culture
Foundations of our corporate culture
The corporate culture of the Santander Bank Polska Group is based on:
- principles described in the General Code of Conduct, which sets standards for action and shapes desirable attitudes in many dimensions of the organisation’s activities;
- The three values of „Simple | Personal| Fair”;
- 8 desired corporate behaviours, which are also used as criteria in the periodic employee evaluation;
- Sustainable Development Policy, which emphasises the key role of employees in building the bank’s success.
An important part of our corporate culture is our risk pro culture which emphasises the responsibility of each employee for risk management. As part of shaping the risk culture:
- we educate the bank’s employees and carry out activities to make aware of the risks in their daily work,
- we remind about the channels available for reporting concerns,
- we develop elements of an incentive system to encourage employees to adhere to the values of a risk culture,
- we recognize the best employees in the Risk Heroes competition.
Team leaders have an important role in shaping the desired corporate culture. We expect them to act in accordance with their leadership commitments, which are summarised in the diagram below:

Creating a positive employee experience
In 2021, we have identified key areas of employee experience that require further improvement and have embarked on new initiatives, including:
- fostering a culture of recognition at work and enhancing the employees’ perception that their contribution is valued,
- building and recommending the Santander brand through active use of the bank’s products and services.
We launched an employer brand building campaign under the slogan „You are like…”. Our goal was to show the development opportunities offered by the bank and the type of specialists we are particularly looking for (e.g. in such areas as IT, risk, data analysis and sales network). In the campaign, we presented employees as superheroes, appreciating their daily, diligent work and the challenges they face every day.