- GRI:
Membership associations2-28Membership associations
- ESG:
Our approach to the environmentE- EnviromentOur approach to the environment
- Our approach to Social Responsibility
Our approach to corporate governanceG – GovernanceOur approach to corporate governance
- PRB:
We will proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals.4 StakeholdersWe will proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals.
In 2021, we continued to support or participate in the following initiatives:
- Declaration of Responsible Selling
- Good Banking Practice, or the Code of Banking Ethics
- The Canon of Good Practices of the Financial Market
- Declaration of Polish Business for Sustainable Development within the project „Vision of Sustainable Development for Polish Business 2050”
- UNEP Finance Principles for Responsible Banking
- Equator Principles
- Polish Plastics Pact
- Green Ribbon #ForThePlanet campaign.
All the above initiatives are described in our 2020 ESG Report in the Partnerships section and more information about our climate initiatives we support can be found in the Climate and Environment section.

In 2021, we also:
- joined the Banks’ Declaration of the Plain Language Standard. Representatives of our bank participated in the working group that developed the provisions of the documents announced in June 2021.
- became a strategic partner of the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw „Re:Generation” programme, a response to the UN’s declaration of 2021-2030 as the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Membership in Associations
- Polish Bank Association
- Association of Internet Industry Employers INTERACTIVE ADVERTISING BUREAU POLAND
- Polish Innovation Coalition Foundation
- Polish Association of Capital Investors
- Chamber of Brokerage Houses
- Union of Public Transport Employers
- IAA Poland – International Advertising Association
- Irish-Polish Chamber of Commerce
- British-Polish Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
- Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce
- American Chamber of Commerce Poland
- Business Centre Club
- German-Polish Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Trade Club Alliance (TCA)