For us, responsible banking is all about ensuring customer security. At our bank, we care for the security of funds, customer data and banking operations across all channels. We improve this aspect using the best available tools, and we care for education of both employees and customers.
- GRI:
103-1 Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries for topic: security of services, transactions and customer dataExplanation of the material topics and their boundaries for topic: security of services, transactions and customer data
103-2 The management approach to topics identified as material for topic: security of services, transactions and customer dataThe management approach to topics identified as material for topic: security of services, transactions and customer data
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach to topics identified as material for topic: security of services, transactions and customer dataEvaluation of the management approach to topics identified as material for topic: security of services, transactions and customer data
Custom indicator Activities implemented to ensure cyber securityActivities implemented to ensure cyber security
PRB 3 Clients and Customers We will work responsibly with our clients and our customers to encourage sustainable practices and enable economic activities that create shared prosperity for current and future generations.We will work responsibly with our clients and our customers to encourage sustainable practices and enable economic activities that create shared prosperity for current and future generations.
Cyber security and appropriate management of technology risks are key. The bank has units actively cooperating with each other, responsible for continuously strengthening the security of transaction systems, tools used by customers in daily banking, customer data, as well as the infrastructure and technology used in the organisation.
Cyber security is an area in which cooperation and knowledge sharing, also with external organisations, is particularly important. We are an active member of the Polish Bank Association, we cooperate with CERT and take part in industry conferences.
In 2020:
- We optimised detection and protection processes to strengthen the bank’s high level of resilience, adequate to the evolving global cyber threats
- We expanded the bank’s capacity to apply innovative technology solutions and automation to prevent cybercrime more effectively.
- We persistently developed a culture of cyber security among customers and employees, given the significant increase in the use of the web in everyday life.

Plans for 2021:
- We will be developing further the activities initiated in 2020.
- As we have done for many years, we will invest in upgrading the skills of the team directly responsible for the cyber security of customers and the bank as a whole.
- Security is our common goal, so we intend to vigorously promote #Cyberawareness to our customers and employees.
- We also plan to further develop our educational activities, including those aimed at customers who do not follow information on the internet closely.
Find more information about promoting security and our projects here.
Customer data security
In line with the requirements of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation effective from 25 May, 2018), we protect personal data through systematic measures including updating relevant processes, procedures and policies, changes to data flow and storage management, appropriate communication and incorporating GDPR requirements into projects and the way we manage systems.
- GRI:
418-1 Total number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer dataTotal number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
Complaints regarding customer data privacy breaches and data loss

The bank received 28 complaints which represent the total number of justified complaints about the loss of customer data and privacy breaches.
Promoting cyber security
We are working hard to develop customer #Cyberawareness. In 2020, we carried out the following activities:
- A social media information and education campaign that reached 6 million people.
- We also used online banking and the bank’s websites for educational purposes informing our customers about potential online risks that may affect them.
- We continued cooperation under the „Bakcyl” programme, the aim of which is to develop financial knowledge and promote security young people.