Employment in Santander Bank Polska Group | Employment in Santander Bank Polska S.A. | |
2020 | 13,158 | 10,671 |
2019 | 14,032 | 11,118 |
2018 | 15,838 | 12,641 |
Employment structure
- GRI:
102-7 Scale of the organization, including:Scale of the organization, including:
ESG: G – Government Our approach to corporate governanceOur approach to corporate governance
Employment at the bank:
*Number of employees of Santander Bank Polska S.A. / Santander Bank Polska Group, both full-time and part-time, regardless of the employment status, as at 31.12.2020.
Employment in the Santander Bank Polska Group and in Santander Bank Polska S.A. :
Employment in the Santander Bank Polska Group
Employment in the Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Number of employees of Santander Bank Polska S.A. / Santander Bank Polska Group, both full-time and part-time, regardless of the employment status, as at 31.12.2020
- GRI:
405-1 Employees categorized by gender, age, minority membership, and other diversity indicatorsEmployees categorized by gender, age, minority membership, and other diversity indicators
102-8 Data on employees and other persons who work for the organizationData on employees and other persons who work for the organization
Female (%) | Male (%) | Total percentage in each category (%) | |
<30 years | 10.79% | 4.92% | 15.71% |
30-50 years | 46.88% | 21.09% | 67.97% |
>50 years | 12.15% | 4.18% | 16.33% |
Share of women among senior management in the bank
Share of women among middle management in the bank
* In 2018 and 2019, the „senior management” category includes some managerial roles with a high grade. Data calculated on the basis of employees with an ”active” status for Santander Bank Polska S.A. and Santander Consumer Bank S.A.
Bank employees according to employment structure (percentage of employees in each category in 2020 in relation to the total number of employees)*
The method of reporting data for 2020 has been changed. Data are now presented according to the new standard of assigning employees to particular groups, in accordance with the principles of the „Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies in 2021”.
Female | Male | Total | |
Top management | 0.01% | 0.07% | 0.08% |
Senior management | 0.41% | 0.70% | 1.12% |
Other managers | 7.60% | 5.80% | 13.40% |
Employees in non-managerial positions | 61.79% | 23.61% | 85.40% |
Information on employees and associates by employment type, employment contract type, region and gender in 2020
Total number of employees by gender
(converted into full-time equivalents)
Total number of employees by gender
(per persons)
The data refer to the number of FTEs at Santander Bank Polska S.A. with an „active” status.
Total number of employees by gender (converted into full-time equivalents) | |
Female | 6,931 |
Male | 2,994 |
Total number of employees by gender (per person) | |
Female | 7,204 |
Male | 3,219 |
Number of full-time and part-time employees by gender in 2020.
Data refers to the number of people employed by the bank, regardless of the employment status.
Full-time | 10,044 |
Female | 7,077 |
Male | 2,967 |
Part-time | 627 |
Female | 373 |
Male | 254 |
Number of full-time and part-time employees (persons) by region in 2020
Female | Male | Total | ||
Warsaw | Full-time | 1,208 | 779 | 1,987 |
Part-time | 90 | 63 | 153 | |
Agglomerations | Full-time | 2,685 | 1,593 | 4,278 |
Part-time | 216 | 157 | 373 | |
Large cities | Full-time | 1,317 | 322 | 1,639 |
Part-time | 52 | 29 | 81 | |
Other | Full-time | 1,867 | 273 | 2,140 |
Part-time | 15 | 5 | 20 |
Female | Male | Total | |
Business support centre | 3,354 | 2,372 | 5,726 |
Bank branches | 4,096 | 849 | 4,945 |
Number of employees and associates by employment contract duration in 2020
Fixed term
Indefinite term
2020 | |
Fixed term (total) | 1,034 |
Female | 670 |
Male | 364 |
Indefinite term (total) | 9,637 |
Female | 6,780 |
Male | 2,857 |
Number of employees and associates employed under arrangements other than employment contracts (persons) in 2020
Employed under a contract of mandate
2020 | |
Employed under a contract of mandate | 1,440 |
Female | 955 |
Male | 485 |
Employed under a contract for specific work | 0 |
Female | 0 |
Male | 0 |
- GRI:
401-1 Łączna liczba i odsetek nowych pracowników zatrudnionych oraz łączna liczba odejść w okresie raportowaniaŁączna liczba i odsetek nowych pracowników zatrudnionych oraz łączna liczba odejść w okresie raportowania
Employee turnover
Number of employees at the end of 2020
Number of newly hired employees
Data refer to the number of bank employees regardless of the employment status. A person employed twice during the same year is accounted for only once.
Number of employees at the end of 2020 | 10,671 |
Female | 7,450 |
Male | 3,221 |
Total number of new employees hired in 2020 (number of persons hired under employment contracts) by gender | |
Total number of newly hired employees | 910 |
Female | 576 |
Male | 334 |
Newly hired employees by gender vs. total number of employees*: | |
Female | 5.40% |
Male | 3.13% |
Newly hired employees by gender vs. total number of newly hired employees | |
Female** | 63.30% |
Male*** | 36.70% |
Total number of new employees hired in 2020 (number of new employees hired under employment contracts) by age category: | |
< 30 years of age | 450 |
30-50 years of age | 439 |
> 50 years of age | 21 |
Newly hired employees by age category vs. total number of employees*: | |
< 30 years of age | 4.22% |
30-50 years of age | 4.11% |
> 50 years of age | 0.20% |
Newly hired employees by age category vs. total number of newly hired employees: | |
< 30 years of age | 49.45% |
30-50 years of age | 48.24% |
> 50 years of age | 2.31% |
*In reference to the figure of 10,671 - number of employees regardless of the employment status.
** Rate of newly hired women during the reported period vs. the total number of women employed in the bank under an employment contract as at 31.12.2020.
*** Rate of newly hired men in the reported period to the number of all men employed in the bank on a contract of employment as at 31.12.2020.
Full-time | |
Warsaw | 197 |
Agglomerations | 331 |
Large cities | 106 |
Other | 161 |
Part-time | |
Warsaw | 20 |
Agglomerations | 94 |
Large cities | 0 |
Other | 1 |
Total number of employees leaving the company (persons) by age
Total number of employees leaving the company (persons) by age
Number of employees leaving the company by gender
Data refers to the number of people, regardless of employment status. Total number of departures from 2020. If one person has left twice, they are shown once.
Total number of employees leaving the company | 1,353 |
Female | 905 |
Male | 448 |
Employees leaving the company vs. total number of employees by gender: | |
Female | 8.48% |
Male | 4.20% |
Employees leaving the company by gender vs. total number of employee departures: | |
Female | 66.89% |
Male | 33.11% |
Total number of employees (persons) hired under employment contracts leaving the company in 2020 by age category: | |
< 30 years of age | 371 |
30-50 years of age | 814 |
< 50 years of age | 168 |
Number of employees leaving the company by age category vs. the total number of employees leaving the company: | |
< 30 years of age | 22.14% |
30-50 years of age | 11.22% |
< 50 years of age | 9.64% |
Number of employees leaving the company by age category vs. the total number of employees leaving the company: | |
< 30 years of age | 27.42% |
30-50 years of age | 60.16% |
< 50 years of age | 12.42% |
The decrease in employment recorded in 2020 is a consequence of the implementation of group redundancies resulting from the transformation of the Bank’s business model. This process is a response to market demand. We are implementing it through digitisation of services at branches, transferring sales and service of financial products to remote distribution channels and systematic implementation of technological and organisational solutions increasing our operational efficiency.