Complaints policy
We take a customer-centric approach to the complaints process. We meet regulatory requirements but also respond to customer expectations at every stage of the complaint process. We learn about their needs and how we can improve our service in this area from surveys carried out after the closed complaint procedure.
There is a Customer Care Officer at the bank who represents the interests of customers in complaint cases. The customer may disagree with the decision regarding his/her complaint and has the right to request the Customer Care Officer to re-examine the case again.
Customers may lodge complaints:
via electronic banking services, including video-conversation and chat
by phone
in branches
by post

In 2020, 61% of customers reported a complaint remotely (by phone or online banking, including video call and chat).
We provide answers to complaints:
via internet banking
by letter
by text message

In 2020, 77% of responses were submitted electronically.
We also send customers status text messages with information about:
acceptance of an application
more time required to examine the case (when the evaluation of the complaint will take more than seven days)
closing of the case and the manner in which the answer will be communicated
Actions regarding the complaints policy in 2020:
- We developed new complaint response templates for all types of customer complaints, in line with the plain language standard. We changed the content layout and the design of the templates to make them clear and easily readable.
- We further extended the powers of advisers allowing them to communicate to clients the decision about accepting a complaint in specific cases already at the time of complaint receipt.
- We increased the use of robotisation in the complaints handling process.

of cases were dealt with immediately by our staff based on their expanded powers. This means that the customer received a decision as soon as the complaint was lodged and, where money transfer was required, it was made within a maximum of three days of the decision being communicated.

of simple cases resolved within one working day and 95% within two working days. We use robotisation in our complaints processes, which allows us to significantly speed up repetitive tasks.

Plans for 2021
- We will continue to work on extending the powers of advisers to communicate to clients the decision about accepting a complaint at the time of complaint receipt (in strictly defined cases).
- We will continue to work on simplifying the language and providing empathic responses.
- We plan to continue developing robotisation.