Our approach
The way we approach the challenges facing the world today is, in our view, the most important measure of an organisation's responsibility. Therefore, environmental protection and counteracting the effects of climate change are the overarching goals of "green banking", a pillar of Santander Bank Polska's Responsible Banking strategy.
- GRI:
102-15 Key impacts, risks and opportunitiesKey impacts, risks and opportunities
103-1 Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries for the topics:Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries for the topics:
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing
103-2 Management approach to topics identified as material for the topics:Management approach to topics identified as material for the topics:
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing -
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach to topics identified as material for the topics:Evaluation of the management approach to topics identified as material for the topics:
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing
EC/TCFD Processes used to identify and assess climate-related risks, main risk types and how to manage the risksProcesses used to identify and assess climate-related risks, main risk types and how to manage the risks
EC/TCFD Integrating climate risk and opportunity assessment into relevant investment, credit and insurance strategiesIntegrating climate risk and opportunity assessment into relevant investment, credit and insurance strategies
ESG: E- Environmental Our approach to the environmentOur approach to the environment
ESG: G – Governance Government (Our approach to corporate governance)Government (Our approach to corporate governance)
PRB 1 Alignment We will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.We will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.
PRB 2 Impact We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.
In 2020, we placed the greatest emphasis on sustainable, green financing by developing environmentally friendly offerings and projects to support Poland on the road to a zero-emission model. We were equally committed to activities and investments that reduce our own environmental footprint.
Towards Net Zero
As one of the largest banks in Poland, we are aware of our role in the transformation of the Polish economy and of the importance of our actions, policies and financing for this process. The global Net Zero strategy just announced by the Santander Group is a testament to this.
Our Net Zero strategy assumes that we will achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The reduction includes both our internal emissions, such as from electricity consumption, business travel and car fleet operations, but also the emissions that result from our financing – lending, advisory and investment services provided to customers from all segments.
As part of our pursuit of this goal, we declare that as of 2030 we will cease financing power companies with more than 10% of their revenue from coal-fired power generation. In addition, we plan to completely reduce the bank’s exposure to thermal coal producers by 2030.
One of the priorities we have set for ourselves is to support customers in the green transition. Our goal is not just to finance what is already green. We aim to change the nature of the economy by helping our clients implement sustainable production principles. That is why it is so important for us to develop and support zero-emission projects or those that lead to zero-emissions.
Highlights of 2020:
Green financing
PLN 842 million is the total value of our green financing, including:
- PLN 294 million for green buildings with BREEAM Excellent or higher or LEED Gold or higher certificates:,
- PLN 146 million for RES development,
- PLN 176 million for the purchase of green public transport and cars.
Our commitment to RES funding in 2020 was 10 times greater than in 2019.
Implementation of the bank’s environmental footprint reduction plan.
In 2020, we achieved neutrality on internal carbon emissions. This was made possible by the transition to green energy, as well as the purchase of carbon credits, or green certified assets that offset emissions. We also replaced our vehicle fleet with green hybrid cars, which have lower fuel consumption and lower emissions.
Achieved results:
- 100% of the electricity purchased by the bank comes from eco-friendly sources, mainly hydroelectric power plants
- 0% of plastic water bottles – we used 7 tons less plastic.
Support for external projects and initiatives.
As the only representative of the Polish financial sector, we have joined the Polish Plastics Pact to actively participate in developing solutions for packaging manufacturers. We intend to support them in eco-transformation and in efforts to increase the scale of plastic waste reuse.