Managing the approach to environmental issues
Taking care of climate and environmental protection is one of the key elements of our business strategy. We take a conscious approach to climate issues. The green banking agenda is implemented in line with the bank's policies and regulations based on national and international standards.
- GRI:
103-1 Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries for the topics:Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries for the topics:
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing -
103-2 Management approach to topics identified as material for the topics:Management approach to topics identified as material for the topics:
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing
1) Climate policy
2) Sustainable financing -
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach to topics identified as material for the topic: Sustainable financingEvaluation of the management approach to topics identified as material for the topic: Sustainable financing
102-11 Explanation of whether and how the organization applies the precautionary approachExplanation of whether and how the organization applies the precautionary approach
EC/TCFD Processes used to identify and assess climate-related risks, main risk types and how to manage the risksProcesses used to identify and assess climate-related risks, main risk types and how to manage the risks
ESG: E- Environment Our approach to the environmentOur approach to the environment
PRB 1 Alignment We will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.We will align our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals’ needs and society’s goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and relevant national and regional frameworks. We will focus our efforts where we have the most significant impact.
PRB 2 Impact We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.
Our business operations are guided by the ESG approach, whereby environmental issues are one of the criteria in making business decisions. We conduct assessments – according to ESG guidelines – of the various assets in which we invest. This allows us to take a broader view of the risks involved and provides opportunities for sustainable development.
We have identified risks that could directly impact the environment or have long-term effect on climate change. The exclusion criteria, described as prohibited activities, apply to all clients of the Santander Bank Polska Group in the provision of loans or financial advisory services.
We apply the prudence principle in managing our environmental impact, and the overarching document describing our approach to environmental issues is the „Sustainability Policy”.
The document contains a declaration that our bank attaches great importance to environmental protection, especially in the context of combating climate change.
Among other things, we commit to:
- minimize the environmental impact of our offices and branches, i.e. consider our own environmental footprint (e.g. energy consumption, facility operations);
- consider the environmental impact of our banking activities;
- promote products and services that respect the environment;
- consider and assess the climate change impact of projects financed.
In 2021, we launched the „Social, Environmental and Climate Change Risk Management Policy”.
The policy identifies risks for all customer segments.
Environmental risk in Santander Bank Polska
Social and environmental policy
CIB clients
ESCC risk assessment procedure
Oil and gas sector
Energy sector
Metals and mining sector
Soft commodities -
Corporate clients
Portfolio pre-selection
Questionnaire for selected clients -
Conformance statements for selected sectors
Risks related to climate change
- Physical risks
- Transformation risks
Environmental risks
- Gas emissions
- Waste management
- Water management
- Biodiversity
- Work safety and work accident prevention
- Consumer health and product safety
- Relations with the community
- Corporate governance
- Management and strategy
- Reporting and transparency
- Group structure
- Legal and regulatory environment
* ESCC: Environment, Social & Climate Change Risk
The above figure presents a best practice applied when analysing customers from the CIB segment. As at the date of this report, it does not apply to all of the bank’s customers.
The implementation of the provisions of social and environmental policies is supported by the Responsible Banking and Corporate Culture Committee.
We respect international best practices and guidelines on social and environmental issues. The most important are the Equator Principles, which provide guidelines for assessing environmental and social risks in financed projects.