Green initiatives and projects
- GRI:
102-12 External initiatives and externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribesExternal initiatives and externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes
102-13 Membership of organizations and associationsMembership of organizations and associations
KE/TCFD Opportunities related to resource efficiency, cost savings, use of low-carbon energy sources, development of new products and services, access to new markets and building resilience throughout the value chainOpportunities related to resource efficiency, cost savings, use of low-carbon energy sources, development of new products and services, access to new markets and building resilience throughout the value chain
ESG: E – Environment Our approach to the environmentOur approach to the environment
PRB 2 Impact We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.We will continuously increase our positive impacts while reducing the negative impacts on, and managing the risks to, people and environment resulting from our activities, products and services.
PRB 4 Stakeholders We will proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals.We will proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals.
We support non-governmental organizations and the development of local communities through grant programs. One of them is „Here I live, Here I make ECO changes”, a competition for a project contributing to the creation of ecological solutions in public space. In 2020, Santander Bank Polska Foundation donated PLN 500,000 for the implementation of this grant program.
For more information on our initiatives, read the Communities section here
Environmental initiatives
We engage in pro-environmental projects and support sectoral, cross-industry and international initiatives concerning the protection of the environment and its resources.
We are a member of the Green Transformation Council of the Lewiatan Confederation. The purpose of the Council is to provide opinions and consultations on regulations and strategies that are part of the European Green Deal, including the preparation of expert reports, positions, strategies, opinions on regulations, as well as active cooperation with public administration on the final shape of the proposed solutions
More information can be found here
As the only representative of Poland’s financial sector, we are a signatory of the Polish Plastics Pact established in September 2020, which joined the global initiative of the Plastics Pact Network of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The Pact aims to change the current model of plastics use in packaging on the Polish market towards a closed loop economy and announces six common goals for Pact members by 2025. The initiative was created under the umbrella of the 17 Goals Campaign. The Pact’s goals are based on a model of the three most important directions of action advocated by experts: reducing the use of plastics, introducing innovations and creating closed cycles. The roadmap proposed by the Polish Plastics Pact sets out six strategic objectives which companies operating in Poland with impact on the plastic packaging market will strive to achieve by the end of 2025.
Through membership in the Pact we want to support customers in the transformation of their businesses
For more information go here
„Together for the Environment” is a partnership for the implementation of environmental Sustainable Development Goals established by the UNEP/GRID Centre. The initiative supports the creation of the best possible conditions for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Poland, especially those relating to environmental issues. The aim of the project is sustainable development with cooperation of many parties (from different sectors and industries) based on the principle of environmental responsibility. The partnership brings together companies, associations of companies and chambers of commerce, scientific institutions, public administration units, NGOs and individuals. It serves the exchange of ideas, experiences and good practices, as well as broad cooperation for the implementation of the SDGs.
For three years we have been a strategic partner of the „Green Ribbon #ForThePlanet” campaign. This undertaking is organized by the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre, promoting in Poland the mission of the United Nations Environment Programme. The theme around which the message of the 2020 global celebrations of World Environment Day and the #ForThePlanet campaign was focused was biodiversity, and the project slogan was „Save Nature. Save Ourselves”.
More information about our involvement in the campaign, whose ambassador was Marcin Dorociński can be found here here.
We are a member of the 5 Fractions Coalition, a cross-sector initiative of companies and institutions established to create innovative solutions to support segregation, recovery and recycling of waste, especially packaging waste.
More information here.
In 2017, we joined the Partnership for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Poland.
This is an agreement between the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology and representatives of business entities aimed at creating synergies of actions taken in Poland in the field of implementing the recommendations of Agenda 2030 and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals enshrined therein.