In 2020, the Santander Bank Polska Group did not have any confirmed cases of human rights violations in the workplace such as mobbing and/or discrimination based on gender, age, ethnicity, religion, worldview or any other employee characteristics.
We are committed to respecting human rights in accordance with the highest international standards. Respect for individuality, promotion of equal treatment and anti-discrimination are elements of many of our policies and procedures. The Human Rights Policy lays down a number of principles in relation to various stakeholder groups, including employees.
- GRI:
406-1 Total number of incidents of discriminationTotal number of incidents of discrimination
ESG: S – Society Our approach to Social ResponsibilityOur approach to Social Responsibility
Our commitments to employees as set out in the Human Rights Policy are:
- preventing discrimination and practices that violate human dignity,
- protecting workers’ health,
- offering decent work, including fair pay,
- respecting the right to rest,
- protecting personal data and privacy,
- offering the opportunity to work on a flexible basis to enable employees to balance their careers with other interests and responsibilities,
- refraining from using forced labour and child labour,
- respecting the right of association and collective bargaining.
Respect and Dignity Policy
In 2020, we began work on revising the Respect and Dignity Policy to align it with the Whistleblower Protection Directive. The policy is one of the elements of building a culture of openness within the organisation. It regulates, among other things, the forms in which employees report violations of ethical principles and any incidents of concern regarding non-conformance with the law, the bank’s procedures and employee relations standards. In the policy we have defined dedicated channels and a procedure for dealing with reports.
We describe the channels available to employees in more detail in Raising ethical concerns.
Initiatives and projects implemented in 2020 to support the building of ethical attitudes:
- We have released a new IT application to make it easier for bank employees to report any matters of concern (also anonymously) and to ensure even better management of reports.
- We conducted educational activities to remind employees of the existing communication channels and to encourage them to report any violations of the law.
- We prepared educational materials for managers with conclusions from a number of investigations for preventive purposes.
- We launched „News from the Whistleblowing Channel” where we publish, via the intranet, information on the subject matter and the statistics of whistleblowing reports.

We will continue our work on policy alignment in 2021.