Support to individual customers
In 2020, our customers were facing the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected not only their health and work, but also their finances. We initiated actions targeting all our customer groups: individual, business and small and medium-sized enterprises.
- GRI:
Custom indicator Main activities to ensure customer satisfactionMain activities to ensure customer satisfaction

Our efforts targeting customers but also communities have been rewarded in the Euromoney Awards for Excellence.
We have introduced special solutions and changes to increase customer safety and comfort.
- We have increased the limit for contactless debit and credit card payments (including mobile Mastercard) without using a PIN from PLN 50 to PLN 100.
- To ensure the safety of our customers, we have equipped our banking facilities with the appropriate accessories (masks for employees, safety partitions, special signage, etc.).
- We have expanded the functionality of electronic banking, reducing customer visits to branches.
We have launched extensive direct communication to customers.
- We informed about changes in the organisation of service in branches, automated remote processes and credit facilities being implemented, and encouraged the use of electronic channels.
- We have targeted senior citizens with special information measures.
Particular attention was paid to seniors and clients whose financial health was affected by the pandemic.
- For customers who lost their income, we addressed a special offer providing for the abolition of debit and credit card fees for a period of 3 months. Customers could take advantage of deferred repayments of principal or principal and interest instalments, suspension of the agreement and automatic limit renewal. We have specially trained advisors to serve such customers.
- We have put in place good practices to ensure a consistent approach to identifying and serving vulnerable customers, i.e. customers in distress due to age, disability, job loss, illness or financial difficulties.
- On the helpline, we introduced a special IVR channel for seniors and prepared an information campaign in social media #HelpSeniorLogIn with tips on how to help your loved ones with remote banking. We published similar tips on the website. The simplification of contact with an advisor was positively received by seniors
We introduced a package of temporary credit solutions for retail customers.
- We offered a possibility to postpone for a period of 3 or 6 months the repayment of the principal or capital-interest instalment of cash and mortgage loans (via Santander internet and the Multichannel Communication Centre).
- We suspended the performance of credit agreements (cash loan, mortgage, overdraft, credit card) for a period of 1, 2 or 3 months (via Santander internet and branches / partner outlets).
- We have extended the repayment period of the cash loan by 6 months (via Santander Internet, the Multichannel Communication Centre, branches and partner outlets).
- We have introduced automatic credit limit renewal for personal accounts and credit cards.
- We have included in the bank’s permanent offer the possibility to extend the repayment period of a cash loan by 12 months and to reduce the capital instalment of a mortgage loan for 12 months.