Raising ethical concerns
The Code of Conduct has a section on whistleblowing devoted to the process of reporting violations and irregularities.
- GRI:
102-17 Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethicsMechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics
103-1 Explanation of the material topics and their boundariesExplanation of the material topics and their boundaries
103-2 Management approach to topics identified as materialManagement approach to topics identified as material
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach to topics identified as materialEvaluation of the management approach to topics identified as material
Custom indicators Number of reports of irregularities and/or issues for clarification to the ethical mailbox and helplineNumber of reports of irregularities and/or issues for clarification to the ethical mailbox and helpline
ESG: G – Government Our approach to corporate governanceOur approach to corporate governance
PRB 5 Governance & Target Setting We will implement our commitment to these Principles through effective governance and a culture of responsible banking, demonstrating ambition and accountability by setting public targets relating to our most significant impactsWe will implement our commitment to these Principles through effective governance and a culture of responsible banking, demonstrating ambition and accountability by setting public targets relating to our most significant impacts
The procedure ensures confidentiality and analysis of the provided information. It is forbidden to use any repressive measures or to draw any consequences against the persons reporting irregularities. Elements of our Whistleblowing Policy are also reflected in our Respect and Dignity Policy.
KLAKSON application
In 2020, we implemented the full functionality of the KLAKSON application for reporting violations. This was accompanied by an extensive communication campaign promoting the reporting channels and introducing the functionality of the application (with a user manual and frequently asked questions and answers). The communication was accompanied by a video promoting whistleblowing channels in the bank.
At present our employees have four channels to choose from to report ethical concerns:
ethical helpline for reporting (also anonymously) violations of laws, ethical principles, corruption, frauds, money laundering, failure to follow internal procedures, disclosure of confidential information, excessive risk taking, falsification
relational helpline for reporting discrimination, bullying, harassment and other violations in labour relations, including violations of corporate values and behaviour;
dedicated mailbox etyka@santander.pl
KLAKSON application - an online form for reporting all of the abovementioned incidents.
Our employees use the available channels to raise their concerns. Every issue is carefully considered and resolved..
reports in 2020
reports in 2019