External initiatives
Together with our stakeholders, we initiate and support projects and activities that we consider important for sustainable development and consistent with our strategy.
- GRI:
102-12 External initiatives and externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribesExternal initiatives and externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes
ESG: E – Environment Our approach to the environmentOur approach to the environment
ESG: S – Society Our approach to Social ResponsibilityOur approach to Social Responsibility
ESG: G – Government Our approach to corporate governanceOur approach to corporate governance
PRB 4 Stakeholders We will proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals.We will proactively and responsibly consult, engage and partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve society’s goals.
We engage in environmentally friendly projects and in sectoral, cross-industry and international initiatives concerning the protection of the environment and its resources. We also support actions related to economic responsibility and ethical business.
Selected 2020 initiatives
Polish Plastics Pact
Poland's largest photovoltaic project financing agreement - PLN 350 million to finance a solar power plant project developed by R.POWER
Strategic partnership in the Green Ribbon #ForthePlanet campaign 2020 edition
The initiatives are described in the Climate and Environment chapter.
Economic responsibility initiatives
- Declaration of Responsible Selling,
- Good Banking Practice, or the Code of Banking Ethics,
- The Code of Good Financial Market Practices,
- Declaration of the Polish business for sustainable development within the project „Vision of sustainable development for Polish business 2050”,
- UNEP Finance Principles for Responsible Banking,
- The international Equator Principles initiative.