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In Santander Bank Polska, we make sure that our complaint handling process not only meets the regulatory requirements but also contributes to a higher level of satisfaction on the part of customers involved in the process, from the moment of receiving a complaint until the end of its evaluation and communicating the reply to the customer.
for the reporting Aspect: Relationships with customers, customer satisfaction and customer data security.
for the reporting Aspect: Relationships with customers, customer satisfaction and customer data security.
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Complaint handling process
Complaint handling process:
Complaint receipt, Transfer to the appropriate unit, Analysis of the case, Making the decision, Communicating the decision to the customer
The dedicated unit in charge of evaluation of complaints is the Complaint and Enquiries Handling Centre and the authority to which appeals can be filed against its decisions is the Customer Care Officer of Santander Bank Polska S.A.
We also measure customer satisfaction after the completed complaint handling process. The findings are as follows:
Our customers can file complaints in many different ways:
In 2018, we made efforts to further optimize our complaint handling process:
For more information about the complaint process, report forms and resolution deadlines go to https://www.santander.pl/rzecznik-klienta