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We know that the greatest asset of our organization is its people. We support the development of the employees of Santander Bank Polska as it is the best investment we can make. We create a friendly work environment and appreciate diversity which helps us make the best use of people’s potential. We respect our employees and we want them to feel good at work. We take care of their wellbeing and safety and promote healthy lifestyles. We have in place a responsible HR policy and we are a responsible employer from the stage of recruitment until the day when the employee leaves the company.

Employment in Santander Bank Polska Group:*

Emploment in Santander Bank Polska:*

* As at 31 December, 2018

Following the acquisition of a demerged business of Deutsche Bank Polska S.A., the number of employees in the bank went up by 8.5% YoY. On a comparable basis, after excluding 1,513 employees of the acquired bank and 16 employees of the acquired asset management company, the number of FTEs in the bank decreased by 5.0% YoY.

The reduction of headcount on a  comparable basis is a result of the transformation of Santander Bank Polska’s business model, in particular including digitalization and a growing significance of remote distribution channels in sales and customer service. Consequently, the branch network staff is reduced while business support functions are strengthened. The transformation is to the highest possible way based on the natural turnover of people and is aligned with the current business needs and the market conditions.

  • [102-8] Information on employees and others working for the organisation Information on employees and others working for the organisation

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Number of employees by gender


Number of employees by gender

Number of employees and associates by employment type, contract type and gender in 2018
Total workforce at the end of 2018 12,641
Number of employees (FTEs) by gender
Female 8,704.91
Male 3,548.11
Number of employees (persons) by gender
Female 8,931
Male 3,710

Number of employees by employment type


Number of employees  (persons) by employment type
Full-time 12,068
Female 8,558
Male 3,510
Part-time 573
Female 373
Male 200
Number of employees (persons) by employment type and regions
Capital city 2,278
Agglomerations 4,975
Large cities 2,205
Other 2,610
Capital city 173
Agglomerations 289
Large cities 82
Other 29

Number of employees by contract duration

Number of employees (persons) by contract duration
Specified (total) 1,559
Female 1,053
Male 506
Unspecified (total) 11,082
Female 7,878
Male 3,204

Number of employees and associates employed under arrangements other than employment contract:


Number of employees and associates employed under arrangements other than employment contract (persons):
Assignment contracts (total) 704
Female 483
Male 221
Contracts for specific work (total) 2
Female 2
Male 0

Number of employees by regions:

Number of employees by regions
Business Support Centre 6,411
Female 3,868
Male 2,543
Branch network 6,230
Female 5,063
Male 1,167
  • [GRI 401-1] Total number of new employee hires and employee turnover during the reporting period Total number of new employee hires and employee turnover during the reporting period

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Total workforce at the end of 2018

Total workforce at the end of 2018 12,641
Female 8,931
Male 3,710

Total number of new employees hired by gender:

Total number of new employees hired (persons) by gender:
Number of new employees: 1,783
Female 1,105
Male 678
Rate of new employees in total workforce by gender 14%
Female 9%
Male 5%
Rate of newly hired women in the total number of new employees 62%
Rate of newly hired men in the total number of new employees 38%

Total number of new employees by age groups

Total number of new employees (persons)
by age groups
Number of employees aged <30 2,203
Number of employees aged 30-50 8,957
Number of employees aged >50 1,481
Number of new employees aged <30 911
Number of new employees aged 30-50 840
Number of new employees aged >50 32
Rate of new employees aged <30 in total workforce 7%
Rate of new employees aged 30-50 in total workforce 7%
Rate of new employees aged >50 in total workforce 0%
Rate of new employees aged <30 in the total number of new employees 51%
Rate of new employees aged 30-50 in the total number of new employees 47%
Rate of new employees aged >50 in the total number of new employees 2%
Total number of new employees hired in 2018 (persons) by location:
Capital city 287
Agglomerations 644
Large cities 265
Other 328
Capital city 56
Agglomerations 200
Large cities 2
Other 1

Total number of employees leaving the company by gender

Total number of employees leaving the company (persons) by gender
Total workforce 12,641
Female 8,931
Male 3,710
Number of employees leaving the company 2,340
Female 1,617
Male 723
Rate of employees leaving the company in total workforce by gender 19%
Female 13%
Male 6%
Rate of women leaving the company in the total number of employees leaving the company 69%
Rate of women leaving the company in the total number of employees leaving the company 31%

Total number of employees leaving the company by gender


Total number of employees leaving the company (persons) by gender
Number of employees aged <30 2,203
Number of employees aged 30-50 8,957
Number of employees aged >50 1,481
Number of employees leaving the company aged <30 675
Number of employees leaving the company aged 30-50 1,375
Number of employees leaving the company aged >50 290
Rate of employees leaving the company aged <30 in the total number of employees in the age category 31%
Rate of employees leaving the company aged 30-50 in the total number of employees in the age category 15%
Rate of employees leaving the company aged >50 in the total number of employees in the age category 20%
Rate of employees leaving the company aged <30 in the total number of employees leaving the company 29%
Rate of employees leaving the company aged 30-50 in the total number of employees leaving the company 59%
Rate of employees leaving the company aged >50 in the total number of employees leaving the company 12%

On 10 January 2019, the Management Board of Santander Bank Polska adopted a resolution on the intended group dismissal of employees and on 31 January, 2019 reached an agreement on the terms of workforce reduction with all trade unions in the bank.

The bank plans to dismiss maximum 1,400 employees (approximately 11% of total workforce as at 31 December, 2018) between February and end of December 2019. The total cost of workforce reduction is estimated at PLN 70-90 million.

Assistance program for terminated employees

As a socially responsible organization, we try to prepare our employees for the group dismissal program. To this end, a comprehensive Assistance Program for terminated employees was developed. The program encompasses a number of complementary measures, including workshops and training events in five thematic areas.

Employee Assistance Program:

  • finding a new job,

  • building one’s own brand as a job candidate,

  • making use of innovative recruitment channels,

  • networking,

  • development and enhancement of employee competences.

Other forms of support offered to our employees include:

  • Collaboration with Labour Offices which organized information meetings for employees;
  • Arranging meetings with selected companies from local markets which may be interested in hiring terminated employees;
  • Development of competences of persons covered by the program by launching a foreign language training platform and offering courses in hard business skills;
  • Psychological consultations for employees who need support.