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  • [103-1, 103-2, 103-3] for the aspect: Employment, remuneration and additional benefits, security for the aspect: Employment, remuneration and additional benefits, security

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We take care to create a safe and friendly work environment for our employees. We make sure holidays are planned and we agree to flexible work time schemes. We promote pro-health programs encouraging the bank’s employees to live active lives. In order to minimize the risk of workplace accidents we have implemented and occupational health and safety procedures and policies we require their strict observance.

Employee health and safety in 2018:

  • adopting a revised Occupational Health and Safety Policy,

  • updating the ”OHS Unit Organization and Responsibilities” procedure and five other procedures,

  • conducting OHS audits in all branches and business support centres where Santander BP’s employees work,

  • 64 employees were trained in providing first aid,

  • OHS unit employees are additionally trained to deliver first aid training, for instance, through participation in Medicover’s ”Safe Company” competition.

Our achievements in 2018

  • Updating occupational risk assessments across the bank’s entire branch network

  • Decrease in the annual rate of work accidents by 13%

Work accidents in 2018 by gender

  • [403-2] Type and number of work-related injuries, occupational diseases, days lost, absence from work and work-related fatal accidents by gender and regions Type and number of work-related injuries, occupational diseases, days lost, absence from work and work-related fatal accidents by gender and regions

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Accidents and incidents

Total workforce at the end of 2018 12,641
Accidents (incident) at work in 2018 by gender
Total number of work-related accidents (incidents) – women 41
Total number of work-related accidents (incidents)  – men 8
Number of work-related fatal accidents (incidents) – women 0
Number of work-related fatal accidents (incidents) – men 0
Number of work-related major accidents (incidents) – women 0
Number of work-related major accidents (incidents) – men 0
Number of work-related minor accidents (incidents) – women 41
Number of work-related minor accidents (incidents) – men 8
Total number of persons injured in accidents 52
Accident incidence rate (IR, (calculated as the total number of accident victims/ employment x 1,000) – total 3.9
Accident incidence rate (IR, (calculated as the total number of accident victims/ employment x 1,000) – women 3.2
Accident incidence rate (IR, (calculated as the total number of accident victims/ employment x 1,000) – men 0.6
Total number of lost days due to work accidents (LDR, calculated as the total number of lost days to the planned number of employees’ hours of work in the reporting period  x 200,000) –  total 1,824
Total number of lost days due to work accidents (LDR, calculated as the total number of lost days to the planned number of employees’ hours of work in the reporting period  x 200,000) – women 1,310
Total number of lost days due to work accidents (LDR, calculated as the total number of lost days to the planned number of employees’ hours of work in the reporting period  x 200,000) – men 514
Accident seriousness rate (calculated as a total number of lost days due to accidents/ number of accidents) – total 37.22
Accident seriousness rate (calculated as a total number of lost days due to accidents/ number of accidents) – women 32
Accident seriousness rate (calculated as a total number of lost days due to accidents/ number of accidents) – men 64.25
Absence rate (AR, total number of days of absence from work/ number of days of work in a year  x 200000) – total N/A
Absence rate (AR, total number of days of absence from work/ number of days of work in a year  x 200000) – women N/A
Absence rate (AR, total number of days of absence from work/ number of days of work in a year  x 200000) – men N/A

Source Occupational safety analysis for 2018; internal; accident records.