- Santander Bank PolskaSantander Bank Polska
- Responsible bankingBank As You Want It
- SimpleBank As You Want It
- FairBank As You Want It
- PersonalBank As You Want It
- About the reportAbout report
Dialogue with customers
For many years we have had open, partner communication with our external environment. We regularly organize dialogue sessions and workshops and make use of social media. The suggestions and opinions of our customers are taken into consideration when planning the bank’s activities for the future. We believe that the key to success on the banking market is to hold a dialogue with customers and listen carefully to their opinions.
Słuchamy głosu klienta
Badania klientów
Media społecznościowe
Management Board
Bankowość oddziałowa
Właściciele biznesowi
Zapewnienie terminowej odpowiedzi
Realizacja strategii Banku „Przyjazny, Rzetelny, dla Ciebie”
Wysoka jakość obsługi, Reakcja na negatywne doświadczenia – funkcja Hot Alert
Dostosowanie oferty, wdrażanie zmian, zapewniony dostęp do preferowanych kanałów
Badania klientów
Media społecznościowe
Management Board
Bankowość oddziałowa
Właściciele biznesowi
Zapewnienie terminowej odpowiedzi
Realizacja strategii Banku „Przyjazny, Rzetelny, dla Ciebie”
Wysoka jakość obsługi, Reakcja na negatywne doświadczenia – funkcja Hot Alert
Dostosowanie oferty, wdrażanie zmian, zapewniony dostęp do preferowanych kanałów
Retail customer: Bank of Opportunities
The Bank of Opportunities is a social network collecting user opinions on how to improve the bank’s products and services. The Bank of Opportunities has been based on the Bank of Ideas, a former service operated by BZ WBK, which was so popular with users that in 2016 the bank made changes to the platform to facilitate idea sharing.
The platform was launched in order to improve the banking products and services. The users can express their opinions related to the bank’s operations: submit ideas, comment on the proposals of other users and vote for the most interesting concepts. The administrators of the Bank of Opportunities review users’ posts, supervise the functioning of the platform and try to inspire the users’ creativity by posting challenges and surveys.
registered users
submitted ideas
implemented ideas
votes cast
ideas while voting
Go to the Bank of Opportunities
SME Customer: Remote Business Advisors
Since April 2018, we have been the only bank in Poland offering selected customers from the SME segment a possibility of contacting their own advisors in remote channels via the Multichannel Communication Centre (MCC). The Remote Business Advisor service consists in the assignment to an SME customer of an individual business advisor who will be responsible for a comprehensive service of the entrepreneur in remote channels. The solution allows for a quick and convenient contact of entrepreneurs with their advisors using the telephone, PC, laptop or tablet (via a chat, vide call or electronic mail), from any place in Poland or all over the world.
Remote Advisors facilitate access to a bigger number of products which have not been available in remote channels to date. The consultants help customers apply for a loan, open a new account, change transaction limits in the electronic banking system file an application for a POS payment terminal or lease financing and obtain the required certificates and answer questions concerning the operation of the transactional system, the mobile application or payment cards. Customers who appreciate personal contacts with bank employees can use the Remote Advisor service to make an appointment at any branch of the bank, at their convenience.
Quick and easy access with a Remote Advisor is possible thanks to the availability of tools for direct video calls and chats and systems which after the authentication of customers’ identity will automatically put them through to a dedicated advisor. Customers can also email their Remote Business Advisors. Using the services of an advisor from the MCC means time savings and efficient service for the customers.