- Santander Bank PolskaSantander Bank Polska
- Responsible bankingBank As You Want It
- SimpleBank As You Want It
- FairBank As You Want It
- PersonalBank As You Want It
- About the reportAbout report
for the reporting Aspect: Preventing financial exclusion, financial education
for the reporting Aspect: Preventing financial exclusion, financial education
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for the reporting Aspect: Social engagement and public policy
for the reporting Aspect: Social engagement and public policy
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Due to the scale of our business and the fact that we are a public trust institution, we have obligations towards the society. We want our customers to understand not only the products and services which they use but also the reasons and the consequences of various financial decisions. We emphasize the need for financial education from early age. Being aware of the changes occurring in the society, the economy and the demographic structure we take care to include seniors not only in financial services but also in the economy in general.
The priority areas of the bank’s corporate social responsibility activities include:
education and development of science,
promoting equal opportunities and preventing social exclusion,
supporting social initiatives.
Santander Universidades
Santander Universidades worldwide:
partner universities
Santander Universidades in Poland:
partner universities
scholarships, including 1,261 internships.

Santander Universidades (SU) is a program launched in December 201 to support higher education, research and the idea of entrepreneurship, a global initiative bringing together close to 1 000 universities worldwide. The idea of the program is based on the assumption that the cooperation between the world of business and the world of academia will result directly in the development of new technologies and research programs and the transfer of know-how will have a positive impact on the economy.
Polish universities cooperating with SU operate scholarship programs and individual research programs in entrepreneurship and research development, in particular including new technologies, student and faculty staff mobility and the development of global networking and knowledge sharing.
At present, 59 universities from the largest academic centres in Poland are members of the program.
Detailed information about the Santander Universidades program and its priorities can be found in last year’s report.
4th International Universia Rectors Meeting
On 21 and 22 May 2018, the 4th International Universia Rectors Meeting took place in Salamanca. The opening ceremony was attended by His Royal Highness Filip VI, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal and Ana Botin, executive chair of Banco Santander. The meeting was attended by more than 600 rectors and faculty staff, politicians and entrepreneurs. Poland was represented by a delegation of 14 rectors and representatives of our bank, including Gerry Byrn, Supervisory Board Chairman and Arkadiusz Przybył, Vice President of the Management Board of Santander Bank Polska.
Santander Universidades Digital Day Conferences
In 2018, a cycle of 7 conferences held at universities in Warsaw, Łódź, Gdańsk, Poznań, Wrocław and Lublin attended by close to 1,000 students. During the conferences, experts from Santander Bank Polska and its partner Google Polska shared their knowledge and experience. The students learned about the impact of digital technologies on their careers and designing innovations and took part in the “Be (More) Agile” in which Lego blocks were used. Additional attractions were prepared for the students in the special zone where they could learn about the offer of internships at Santander Bank Polska or relax enjoying virtual reality games.
attended students
Scholarships under Santander Universidades global programs
In 2018, five persons from Poland (3 students and 2 administration staff members) took part in the global summer programs financed by Santander Universidades at the most prestigious universities in the world, such as Georgetown University, Yale and the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). The participants:
- had a choice of over 100 different thematic workshops held in one of the most prestigious universities in the world (Santander-Yale International Experience Summer Program),
- participated in multidisciplinary workshops devoted to the topic of social and economic exclusion (Summer Workshop-Social Innovation and Financial Inclusion in the Digital Age –Georgetown University).
In 2019, just like a year earlier, students of the partner universities of Santander Universidades and experienced managers were invited to apply for the internship. The offer met with a huge interest – tens of thousands of applications from all over the world were received. Students from Poland presented very high level, therefore as many as 11 persons were invited to participate in the scholarships. Among the winners, there were students from the Warsaw School of Economics, the Poznań University of Technology, the Medical University in Gdańsk, Leon Koźmiński School of Business and the Economic University in Poznań and three experienced managers.
The participants will take part in action-packed summer courses aimed at upgrading competences in the international environment. The participants of Santander Scholarship international projects will be able to participate in one of the following programs:
- Santander-Yale International Experience Summer Program,
- Georgetown Summer Workshop-Social Innovation and Financial Inclusion in the Digital Age,
- TrepCamp Entrepreneurial Simulator 2019 (Silicon Valley, New York, San Diego),
- Santander W50: Preparing Our Women Board Members of Tomorrow at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA).
At the beginning I did not believe that I could win the W50 program. But I decided to apply anyway because I liked the concept very much and the fact that it was addressed specifically to women. I have been admitted and I’m very happy. It is a great development opportunity, not only for myself, but also for the university I work for, for instance, for cooperation with the University of California (UCLA), which is a famous brand. I hope that I will bring back with me a lot of precious inspirations and good practices which I will be able to use both in my current job and in the planning of the next career steps.
Relationship Centres at Santander Universidades
Currently, Santander Universidades centres can be found at 11 universities in Poland. Each centre consists of a relaxation zone for students, a room for workshops or meetings with students and a service desk The academic communities can count on the bank’s employees who actively engage in the organization of many projects at respective universities and become their part.
Managers and advisors from Santander Universidades regularly meet with the authorities of the universities and student organizations in order to discuss their most urgent needs. Conclusions from such meetings are used for the purpose of planning and implementing new initiatives and projects responding to the needs of the academic community.
Financial education
In 2018, 2100 persons used finansiaki.pl. A volunteering project in schools and kindergartens was carried out in May and June and the total number of its beneficiaries was 284.
Finansiaki.pl is our financial education website launched to support the development of financial competency and entrepreneurship. Detailed desription of the program can be found in last year’s report.

In March 2019 a new version of the platform was made available to users. On the revamped and relaunched Finansiaki.pl website one can find a range of colourful, user-friendly teaching aids on the subject of personal finance management. You can sort the available materials depending on the user type (teacher, parent, child) and the age of the target audience. The content includes articles with advice for the parents and ready-to-use class scripts for teachers which can be displayed or printed out and used at school. Moreover, the teaching aids were prepared in conformance with the official curriculum of pre-school and primary school education.
The project of the Warsaw Banking Institute Bankers for the Financial Education of Youth (BAKCYL) is an example of the social collaboration for the upgrading of young people’s financial knowledge. It draws on the engagement of bank employees who volunteer to act as trainers. Under the project, bank employees convey practical financial knowledge to teenagers in order to facilitate their conscious and successful start into adult life in a modern society and the Santander Foundation assists them in the execution of the project.
In 2018, the volunteers from our bank participating in the BAKCYL project trained 8,400 students. The best volunteers received special commendations. Out of the three awarded volunteers, two are from Santander Bank Polska: Urszula Jakubska-Żuk and Dariusz Maciuba.
Economic comic books
Economic comic books is a project originated by the Civic Development Forum in cooperation with our bank, under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education and the Education Development Centre. It is an innovative educational project addressed to teenagers which aims at presenting the basic aspects of economic knowledge in the form of comics which are attractive and easy to understand for audience of any age. One of the elements of the educational project is the annual competition for an economic comic book announced by the Civic Development Forum. Based on the awarded submission, methodology experts prepare lesson scripts.

Quest for the Lost Money
The project has been designed in partnership with the Federation of Polish Food Banks and is addressed to beneficiaries of Food Bank who are potentially at risk of social and economic exclusion. A few employees of the bank prepared workshop scenarios and a practical guide to saving money and repaying debt and delivered training for Food Bank educators. Using the developed materials, between January and April 2018, the local Food Bank educators delivered 78 workshops across Poland attended altogether by 1,370 persons.
Santander Station
In May 2019, the Santander Station went on tour around Poland. By September, this mobile educational and entertainment space built by the bank will visit six cities in different parts of Poland: Pruszcz Gdański, Świdnik, Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Bielsk Podlaski, Wrocław and Łódź. The cities were selected based on a competition for the bank’s employees who were requested to submit interesting ideas how the Santander Station can be used to support local communities.
One of the main attractions of the Santander Stations are educational games (Finansiaki) and the economic game called Leaders of Europe. The games were developed by the employees of Santander Bank Polska in partnership with the Santander Foundation to show parents and children that learning about the world of money can be an interesting, pleasant and easy experience regardless of age.
Attractions offered in the Santander Station:
- First aid workshops organized as part of the How’s Your Driving project the goal of which is to promote road safety.
- Fans of new technologies will find in the Santander Station a chance to get a hands-on experience in new, exciting solutions and find out that holograms and robots in everyday life is not a matter of distant future.
- A concert of the Santander Orchestra – young, talented musicians will perform at the Kostrzyn na Fali festival under the baton of Adam Sztaba.
- There will also be room for sports emotions in the UEFA Championships zone whose official sponsor is Santander Group.
A visit to the Santander Station will also be an opportunity to support the activities of Santander Bank Polska by beating the rowing record on a rowing ergometer. For each kilometre travelled the Foundation will donate money for the selected social cause.
Did you know…?
- 2,100 people used the Finansiaki.pl website in 2018.
- Only 47% percent of parents to children aged between 5 and 14 lat talk with them about finance, saving money and planning purchases.