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Santander X scholarships for aspiring startuppers
In April 2019, Santander launched a call for applications for TrepCamp Entrepreneurial Simulator 2019, an international scholarship project for future entrepreneurs. Top 25 applicants from all over the world, including five from Poland received the Santander X scholarship covering the cost of a stay in the most prominent centres of innovation in the world, such as the Silicon Valley, New York, London, Boston, Mexico and San Diego. TrepCamp Entrepreneurial Simulator 2019 is a development project for aspiring startuppers who have a chance to acquire invaluable experience over a couple of weeks, instead of many years which as is the case with other entrepreneurs.
More information about the project can be found here
In April 2019, Santander Bank Polska together with the Accelpoint accelarator began recruitment of startups from the fintech segment. In June 2019, the first round of the AccelUp program ended under which mature startups from the fintech, insurtech and telco segments were introduced to each other. In the near future, 12 startups will begin the development process in strict collaboration with the customers interested in the technology: Santander Bank Polska, AXA Partners and Orange.
The program participants receive financial assistance in the amount up to PLN 200,000 and a business know-how support in the form of 100 hours of consultations with outstanding market experts. The startups will also have a chance to benefit from investment support, including the possibility of a presentation before Santander InnoVentures, a global investment fund from Madrid.
AccelUp is a non-equity program which means that when the program ends, the whole equity remains with the startup. The project is implemented in collaboration with the Polish Agency for Entrepreneurship Development. The Accelpoint accelerator has received support under the Smart Growth Operational Program, Measure 2.5 “Acceleration Programs”.
startups will begin the development process
Support to female entrepreneurship
Female entrepreneurship combines two values which are close to us: entrepreneurship and diversity. Therefore, we want to offer actions and solutions responding to their needs.
Santander W50: Preparing Our Women Board Members of Tomorrow
Santander carries out a mentorship project called ”Santander W50: Preparing Our Women Board Members of Tomorrow” in the form of a six-day workshop developing professional and leadership competences of women who are being prepared for taking up the top management positions in companies and organizations. The program is intended for 45 women from all over the world who will take part in a prestigious training program at the University of California (UCLA) in Los Angeles. During the event, the participants will receive training in strategic leadership, organizational experience, corporate governance, key accounting knowledge and entrepreneurship. Three ladies from Poland will take part in the program.
The program is addressed to women who:
- have extensive, documented professional experience (15 to 25 years);
- graduated from a university which belongs to the Santander Universidades network;
- demonstrate persistence, motivation and commitment to achievement of personal and organizational goals;
- have at least very good knowledge of the English language (all workshops are run in English).
Succesful women in business
In order to provide support to female entrepreneurs, Santander Bank Polska launched the ”Successful women in business” program facilitating access to attractive investment financing for new or existing companies run by women.
Social engagement of Santander Bank Polska and Santander Bank Polska Foundation in numbers
[Custom indicator 20]
Total amount of money allocated to social causes per year
Total amount of money allocated to social causes per year
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In 2018, Santander Bank Polska and the Santander Bank Polska Foundation helped 342,602 persons. The support reached the beneficiaries through many different social programs, but also through products, such as Visa Pajacyk Card.
[Custom indicator 17]
Number of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the area of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and the Foundation during the year
Number of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the area of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and the Foundation during the year
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20,368 is the total number of beneficiaries of corporate social responsibility projects and initiatives in the area of education supported in 2018 by the bank and the Santander Bank Polska Foundation.