- Santander Bank PolskaSantander Bank Polska
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Responsible supply chain
Supply chain of the organization
Supply chain of the organization
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[Custom indicator 14]
Number of suppliers with whom the bank cooperated during the year under review
Number of suppliers with whom the bank cooperated during the year under review
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[Custom indicator 13]
Number of procurement processes executed by the Procurement Office during the year under review
Number of procurement processes executed by the Procurement Office during the year under review
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Suppliers in 2018
suppliers with the annual turnover exceeding PLN 50,000 cooperated with the bank, including 1051 suppliers subject to qualification.
procurement processes.
Polish companies and foreign companies with a registered office or branch in Poland
Terms of cooperation with suppliers
[103-1, 103-2, 103-3]
for the reporting Aspect: Procurement practices, responsible supply chain
for the reporting Aspect: Procurement practices, responsible supply chain
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The process of selecting suppliers and the terms of cooperation with them are regulated by the applicable policies and procedures in force in the bank. The supplier selection process is conducted in accordance with the:
Procurement Policy of Santander Bank Polska
Supplier Selection Policy of Santander Bank Polska
The management of suppliers is based on the provisions of:
Policy of Cooperation with Suppliers of Santander Bank Polska
Supplier Management Procedure of Santander Bank Polska
The process of Supplier Management is consistent with the international standards of Santander Group. In practical terms, this means that appropriate policies and procedures are observed and that all tenderers taking part in procurement processes and supplier qualification are subject to uniform selection principles.
The supplier management process is being developed and adapted to the continuously changing business and social reality.
In the second half of 2018, work began on new amendments to the process. A dedicated website was launched to facilitate contacts with suppliers and the execution of the required processes. In the first stage, the supplier qualification process was launched. Subsequently, the work focused on two other modules:
- procurement, and
- ordering from suppliers.
Concurrently with the implementation of technological solutions, work began on changes in the abovementioned policies and procedures.

1.New suppliers are often invited to take part in procurement processes (depending on the purchase type).
2.New agreements signed with our suppliers include obligatory CSR clauses. The clauses oblige suppliers to respect the 10 Global Compact principles adopted by the United Nations at the Davos summit in January 1999.
3.Each purchase of the bank exceeding the value of PLN 50,000 is subject to the bank’s Procurement Policy. The Supplier of the service participating in the process is required to enclose a completed CSR questionnaire with information on social responsibility, meeting the criteria pertaining to employment practices and respecting human rights and meeting environmental criteria (impact of the goods and services on the natural environment). The degree of social responsibility of suppliers established on the basis of the completed CSR questionnaire is taken into account in the assessment of tenders and selection of the bank’s suppliers.
4.Each of the bank’s suppliers with a turnover above PLN 1 million (in the previous year) has a billing limit assigned at the beginning of the qualification process in order to check whether it is not excessively dependent on the bank and whether it diversifies its sources of income. Suppliers who undergo the qualification process and who provide critical services from the bank’s point of view are enquired about sustainable development measures. Their answers are taken into account when a final approval of cooperation with the supplier is given. When the evaluation of tenders submitted by different suppliers is similar, the degree of social responsibility may have a deciding influence on the final choice of suppliers.
Thanks to the requirement for completion of the CSR questionnaire by all suppliers admitted to the bank’s procurement processes, many of them for the first time come across the subject of social responsibility. This means that the survey has an educational effect.
Percentage of new suppliers evaluated using environmental criteria
Percentage of new suppliers evaluated using environmental criteria
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Percentage of new suppliers evaluated using social criteria, including employment practices and human rights
Percentage of new suppliers evaluated using social criteria, including employment practices and human rights
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In the procurement processes, only suppliers who have timely submitted complete tenders are taken into consideration. The CSR questionnaire is part of the tender so a tenderer who fails to submit it is disqualified from the further stages of the process.
In 2018, the Procurement Office executed 423 procurement processes. In each of them, several tenders were submitted, including CSR questionnaires. The bank does not have the data about the number of all tender proposals submitted in the procurement processes in 2018 which met the formal criteria (included a completed CSR questionnaire), therefore it is not possible to provide the number of suppliers who have been verified in terms of responsible management.
procurement processes in 2018
Did you know…?
- Over the year the bank worked with 1,258 suppliers.
- More than 95% of our suppliers are Polish companies or companies registered in Poland.
For many years, Rhenus Data Office has supported Santander Bank Polska in the process of implementing the environment protection policy as part of the corporate social responsibility practices applied by the bank. Conscious investments in the environment and, in effect, the use of systemic solutions in the area of safe collection and destruction of documents gave rise to a durable positive impact on the environment. By delivering waste paper for recycling we jointly saved thousands of mature trees, preserving the natural habitat of bird species protected in Poland. As a result, Santander Bank Polska has become one of the key partners to the ekoaktywni.com program and was awarded twice with the ”Golden Hoopoe Certificate” evidencing the bank’s contribution to the protection of natural environment.