- Santander Bank PolskaSantander Bank Polska
- Responsible bankingBank As You Want It
- SimpleBank As You Want It
- FairBank As You Want It
- PersonalBank As You Want It
- About the reportAbout report
Green education
In order to raise the environmental awareness of the bank’s employees, the bank prepared an educational cycle called “Eco-Fridays”. Special intranet publications were developed in cooperation with experts from UNEP/GRID-Warsaw focusing on desirable, environment-friendly attitudes, in particular concerning the issue of plastic in the environment (the main theme of the Green Ribbon Campaign in 2018, of which the bank was a partner).
When the cycle of publications ended, a ”Zero Plastic” competition for the employees was launched:
- 84 employees participated
- close to 100 ideas for reduction of plastic use at work and at home were submitted.
Most employees suggested resignation from buying water in disposable plastic bottles and using plastic cups. The ideas have been reflected in our ”No plastic” strategy which assumes gradual elimination of disposable plastics, in the first place from the head office and subsequently also from all branches.
Green Power Hackathon
When preparing educational activities for the World Environment Day (5 June, 2019), the bank did not forget about children and teenagers. On Children’s Day the Green Power Hackaton was held. Extinction of endangered species, reduction of biodiversity, poor air quality, reduced energy resources, polluted land and oceans and the destruction of ecosystems are some of the topics tackled during the first event organized by Santander Bank Polska in partnership with the Foundation “First Places Are Always Free” and the Santander Bank Polska Foundation. The goal of the workshop was to stimulate the children’s creativity and working out ideas for innovative technological, business and social solutions responding to the environmental issues of the modern world.