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Clients and Customers

  • [103-1, 103-2, 103-3] for the reporting Aspect: Relationships with customers, customer satisfaction, customer data security, for the reporting Aspect: Relationships with customers, customer satisfaction, customer data security,

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One of the CSR priorities of Santander Bank Polska for the coming years is to earn the trust and build lasting relationships with customers based on a dialogue, adapting the banking offer to customer needs and responsible selling. The products and services offered by our bank respond to the needs of all customers: retail clients, SMEs, large corporations and international institutions. Our offering is continuously upgraded to improve its transparency, simplicity, degree of digitalization and self-service and flexible configuration of the basic parameters.

We make sure that customers perceive us as the bank as they want it.

In relationships with our customers we try to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular including:

  • cel 11: Zrównoważone miasta i społeczności

    We engage in numerous projects supporting the development of local communities and infrastructure and educating our customers.

  • cel13: Działania w dziedzinie klimatu

    We keep developing financial instruments which, among other things, are dedicated to financing green investments and other solutions and products which help to minimize negative impact on the environment


    We implement digital solutions to limit the consumption of natural resources both by us and our customers