- Santander Bank PolskaSantander Bank Polska
- Responsible bankingBank As You Want It
- SimpleBank As You Want It
- FairBank As You Want It
- PersonalBank As You Want It
- About the reportAbout report
Transparency and Accountability
Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting
Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting
Go to GRI list
For six years we have been publishing our CSR report in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In the report, we present data and information showing our impact on the environment and addressing key topics raised by the stakeholders. Selected Board Members are directly engaged in the process of preparing the report, approving the report format and content and attending our stakeholder dialogue sessions.
More information on how we prepare our report and make sure it is a reliable and accurate source of information about the bank can be found here.
Our CSR reports from previous years are available here:
In our last year’s report we presented specific goals and targets for 2018 in respective activity areas.
Goals announced for 2018
in progress
not achieved
Promoting ethical attitudes and behaviours in the bank
Implementation of a mandatory e-learning training, aimed to extend the employees’ knowledge on how to react and counteract such behaviours, as mobbing, discrimination and harassment, and where to look for support in case ethical standards are breached, in accordance with the Respect and Dignity Policy. | |
Regular educational messages addressed to employees, aimed to build responsible attitudes and promote communication channels for reporting irregularities. | |
Implementation of a tool for registering and managing the issues reported. | |
Regular analyses of issues reported and recommendations. |
Development of mobile and online banking
Increasing the number of customers using remote services. | |
Providing the highest customer service standards. | |
Building excellent customer experience and making life easier. | |
Providing innovative technological solutions. | |
Further development of biometric solutions. | |
Optimisation of processes and building competence centres in our Multichannel Communication Centre. | |
Increasing the number of end-to-end processes (E2E). | |
Providing after-sales support and improving sales processes. | |
Continuous focus on safety. | |
Further development of mobile payments. | |
Development of sales and ensuring consistency. | |
Launch of all service enhancements expected by customers. |
Completion of work on the implementation of automated control of incoming traffic from different communication channels (Routing Genesys). | |
Implementation of the “Remote SME Advisor” project, which involves transferring ca. 40,000 customers who meet certain migration criteria to being serviced by a team of remote advisors. This solution will provide business customers with an easy access to their advisor anytime and anywhere. |
Continued development and upgrading of prevention measures. Implementation of the most advanced threat-prevention mechanisms, and development of the exchange of threat-related information. | |
Continued development of threat analysing mechanisms. | |
Development of the security incident response team. | |
Continued development of the IT systems security management team. |
Customer service quality
Further improvements in the following areas: noticing the customer, identification of customer needs, promoting multichannel solutions that allow the customer to use different banking services with ease. | |
Continued work on the improvement of customer paths based on the Agile methodology. | |
Implementation of initiatives based on recommendations from the customer journey analysis. | |
Ongoing measurements of customer satisfaction in terms of general cooperation with the bank, using communication channels, satisfaction with the last contact with the bank (e.g. branch visit, contact with a VIP advisor, helpline call). The feedback loop system is continuously applied for assessing satisfaction after a visit to the bank’s branch. | |
Increasing NPS in 2018 by another 4 percentage points (from 32% to 36%) |
We will launch a new digital channel facilitating the acquisition and servicing of customers, “Remote SME Advisor.” This solution will provide customers with easy access to their banking advisor anywhere and anytime. | |
We will launch the Działalność.pl website. The objective of this solution is to guide a “starting” entrepreneur step-by-step through the entire process of establishing a business, without the need to leave the house. The website will provide the required forms, a tool supporting the establishment of a business and a rich source of knowledge, including videos, webinars and conversations. In this process, the entrepreneur will be supported by an experienced accountant, and additionally, will have the opportunity to use the best e-Accounting platform available in the market as well as other settlement tools. | |
We promote eco-friendly investments. In March 2018, Santander Leasing introduced a special offer for financing electric cars called, “Zero Emissions, Zero Interest”. The lease is a 100% finance plan. |
Preparing the branch network employees for the transformation related to a new approach to customer service – managing customer experience. | |
Preparing our employees to project management according to the new Agile methodology. | |
Preparing employees in charge of the SME segment to a new delivery rhythm. | |
Focusing senior management development activities on providing knowledge about current trends in the business, leadership and process management, development and reinforcement of desirable leadership styles, stimulating employee commitment, promoting self-learning and cutting-edge development strategies. | |
Intensification of managerial staff development activities to prepare employees for the transformation of the bank. | |
Supporting the development of leadership competences through programs like Leaders for Employees for all managers. | |
Implementation of the Agile methodology as a way of work and mutual collaboration within a framework of the organizational culture which fosters interactions between people, giving and receiving feedback, focusing on customer needs and working towards common goals. |
Employee training and education
Improve advisor competences, including launching a new customer advisor competence model. | |
Preparing employees of pilot branches for the implementation of a new branch format and new approach to customers. | |
Taking care to ensure high level of specialist knowledge required in the workplace. | |
Providing knowledge and skills in the broadly understood quality assurance, including customer service standards. | |
High degree of employee knowledge about risks and practical risk mitigation skills. |
* All cybersecurity goals have been completed but the topics require ongoing efforts and will be continued in 2019.
Additionally, in all areas of our responsibility we have defined specific objectives and goals for the next year
Did you know?
- This is the sixth CSR report of our bank.
- Four of our reports to date have been awarded in the competition for the best CSR report.
- Our report is subject to an independent external review.
Reporting non-financial data is becoming increasingly significant along with the growing awareness and activity of various stakeholders of businesses, such as customers, employees and investors. This is not only a matter of regulations applicable to a certain group of organizations but a response to the changing expectations towards the business community. We want to know that we buy sustainable products, work for responsible employers and invest in companies having a positive impact on our environment. The real challenges of the modern world which we are currently facing make social, environmental and climate-related topics a priority, not only for experts in the field but for each and every one of us.