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Reporting complaints and ethical issues
Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity.
Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity.
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We are continuously improving and consistently promoting the policy of an open dialogue with employees, which provides them with the opportunity to report any breaches of the General Code of Conduct, encouraging them, at the same time, to share their observations and concerns.
Employees can report any irregularities and concerns via dedicated communication channels:
sending an email to etyka@santander.pl,
calling one of the two available helplines: one dedicated to ethical issues, and the other to employment-related issues.
Employees can make reports anonymously.
The bank guarantees that all employees making a report are entitled to remain anonymous and be protected from any retaliatory action. The entitlement results directly from the provisions of the Respect and Dignity Policy.
In order to ensure effective and efficient evaluation of reported matters and appropriate management arrangements, the Ethics and Relationships Office was established in the structure of the Business Partnership Division. The competences of the Offices have been strengthened with expertise in business psychology.
In 2018, a major growth in the number of cases reported using the dedicated whistleblowing channels was observed. Additionally, the Engagement Survey showed a high degree of employees’ openness to reporting potential misconduct without a fear of retaliation (86%).
[Custom indicator 16]
Number of violations and/or other issues needing resolving reported to the „ethics inbox” and helpline
Number of violations and/or other issues needing resolving reported to the „ethics inbox” and helpline
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In 2018, the bank received 85 complaints related to employee relations which were reported and resolved via formal mechanisms.
The helplines and the ethical inbox were used to report 212 cases. In the period under review the bank also provided advice in response to 17 ethics-related enquiries.
The enquiries concerned such topics as taking up additional employment, terms of running one’s own business in parallel with employment by the bank, identification of a conflict of interest and the acceptability of running as a candidate in local authority elections while being employed by the bank.