- Santander Bank PolskaSantander Bank Polska
- Responsible bankingBank As You Want It
- SimpleBank As You Want It
- FairBank As You Want It
- PersonalBank As You Want It
- About the reportAbout report
We are part of Santander Group
Santander Bank Polska is a member of Santander Group with Banco Santander S.A. as a parent entity. Banco Santander S.A. is one of the largest commercial banks in the world with more than 160 years of history, having its registered office in Santander and operational headquarters in Madrid. While it specializes in retail banking services, the bank is also very active in private banking, business and corporate banking, asset management and insurance markets.
Geographical reach of Santander Group and individual countries’ contribution (%) to the Group’s profit
United States 4%
United Kingdom 16%
Santander Consumer Finance 13%
Brazil 26%
Poland 3%
Mexico 7%
Chile 6%
Argentina 4%
Portugal 5%
Spain 15%
Other countries 7%
Key markets 13%
Countries where the bank provides consumer finance services
United Kingdom 16%
Santander Consumer Finance 13%
Brazil 26%
Poland 3%
Mexico 7%
Chile 6%
Argentina 4%
Portugal 5%
Spain 15%
Other countries 7%
Key markets 13%
Countries where the bank provides consumer finance services
At the end of 2018, the share of Santander Bank Polska Group in Banco Santander’s profit was 3%. Poland is one of the 10 key markets of Banco Santander.
Santander Group in numbers 1
2nd largest bank in Europe and 16th largest bank in the world in terms of market capitalization
(source:banksdaily.com 31 May, 2018)
customers -
branches -
employees -
EUR bn
total assets
EUR bn
equity -
attributable profit -
EUR bn
market capitalization -
EUR bn
customer deposits
1 As at 31 December, 2018
Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility are among the priorities of the entire Santander Group. Therefore, Banco Santander is an active member of a number of the most important global organizations and initiatives in the field, including:
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- Banking Environment Initiative (BEI)
- UNEP Finance Initiative
- United Nations Global Compact
- CEO Partnership for Financial Inclusion
- Equator Principles, and
- Principles of Responsible Investment
Did you know?
- Santander Group has 144 million customers, 13,200 branches and 202,700 employees.
- Banco Santander is the 16th largest bank in the world in terms of capitalization and number 2 bank in Europe.
- Poland is one of Banco Santander’s 10 key markets.