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Banco Santander recognized as the most sustainable bank in the world in the 2019 Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2019
Dow Jones Sustainability Index is the leading stock market index of companies which pursue social and environmental goals as part of their strategies
Banco Santander is number one in this year’s ranking of 175 banks from all over the world
It is the first time Santander has achieved the highest global DJSI ranking, having ranked 3rd among global banks in 2018 and 11th in 2015
Banco Santander was awarded an overall score of 86 out of 100 points
Banco Santander was today recognised as the most sustainable bank in the world following the publication of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for 2019. Dow Jones Indexes is a leading global provider and pioneer in the area of sustainable and socially responsible investments. The place in the ranking depends on the assessment of the company’s corporate social responsibility based on a detailed questionnaire. The assessment includes economic, social and environmental criteria.
Banco Santander achieved a total score of 86 points out of 100 and topped the DJSI ranking. The assessed areas covered tax strategy, privacy protection, environmental reporting, corporate citizenship and philanthropy, as well as, financial inclusion. The overall assessment took into account the indices from all countries where Santander Group members are based.

Banco Santander is one of the leading providers of green finance in the world. More than 360,000 people globally benefitted from financial education projects carried out by Santander in 2018. The Group is also the industry leader in terms of investment in education. Last year the value of spending on scholarships and university partnership totalled EUR 121 million.
In July 2019 Santander announced details of its responsible banking commitments. The targets include the Group’s new commitments for the period between 2019 and 2025, such as raising over EUR 120 billion in financing green investments and environment-friendly solutions, supporting financial empowerment of 10 million people through the expansion of the bank’s microfinance and financial education programs, increasing the rate of women in managerial positions or pursuing the goal of 100% of energy used from renewable sources.
To be a world leader on The Dow Jones Sustainability Index – a key benchmark for industry – shows we are successfully executing our strategy across the bank. We are not complacent – there is much more to do, and we will now build on these strong foundations.
Detailed information about the responsible banking strategy and the activities of Santander Bank Polska can be found in our most recent Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018.