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Support package for SMEs in Santander Bank Polska
Santander Bank Polska has provided new options to support its SME customers. From now on, customers who have suspended their business activity, will not pay the selected fees and charges.
Since the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic in Poland, Santander Bank Polska has been actively involved in helping companies operate. Now it has prepared a special offer for those customers who were forced to suspend their business activity due to coronavirus.
Companies need diversified support in fighting the effects of the pandemic. Some entities need subsidies to maintain business activity and keep their employees. Others decide to temporarily suspend their operations, hoping for a quick return to normality. Each industry is in a different situation and has slightly different needs. Therefore, Santander Bank Polska has prepared a wide aid package addressed not only to borrowers. Currently, we are introducing further solutions developed for entrepreneurs who were forced to suspend their business activity. Exemption from selected fees and charges translates into real savings for our clients. “As a responsible bank, we want to help them in these difficult times
If a client suspends business activity during any of the months between March and July 2020 and this decision will be disclosed in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG) or in the National Court Register (KRS), the customer only needs to report that fact to the bank to have the collection of fees put on hold. The client may also present to the bank a document certifying the suspension of the business activity.
For the term of 3 months, Santander Bank Polska will not charge fees for:
account maintenance and transactions: domestic transfers in ELIXIR, Exspress ELIXIR, Sorbnet, BlueCash, cash-in and cash-out, direct debit, account statements, standing orders,
debit cards linked to business accounts: Visa Business Electron, MasterCard Business Debit,
subscription fee and fee for additional users of electronic banking: Mini Firma, Moja Firma Plus, iBiznes24.
Santander Bank Polska SME aid package also encompasses:
- Automatic 2-month renewal of overdraft facilities falling due shortly
- 3-month fee waiver for Konto Godne Polecenia business account, upon completion of certain conditions –the Bank will abandon the requirement to make a transfer to the Polish social insurance institution (ZUS) for Konto Godne Polecenia business account fee waiver to apply. The fee waiver will be offered to customers who paid their social security premium in January or February 2020 out of their Konto Godne Polecenia or who opened their account in February, March or April 2020. If one of the aforementioned criteria is met, the Bank will automatically cancel the fee for a 3-month period (March, April and May).
- Option to order POS terminals remotely – you can order POS terminal using the online form or by calling 1 9999. You can order your POS terminal as part of Poland non-cash payment initiative (Polska Bezgotówkowa) offering a free terminal for 12 months. If you do not qualify for the initiative, Santander Bank Polska has a special programme offering a free terminal for 6 months (Dostałem szóstkę) . The bank offers mobile, portable and countertop terminals.
- Requests for PFR [Polish Development Fund] subsidies under the Financial Shield – until now, (as at 18 May 2020), Santander Bank Polska customers received PLN 4.1bn worth of subsidies.
- Principal payment deferral for 3 or 6 months for credit and leasing instalments
- Higher limit for non-cash transactions made with cards without PIN: up to PLN 100
- Suspension of selected fees – since 1 April 2020 until further notice, Santander Bank Polska will not collect some of the credit fees: fee for lack of inflows to the business accounts and maintenance fee
- Suspended reduction of overdraft limit if the outstanding repayment period is less than 3 months
- Social Insurance Institution [ZUS] requests to be filed via the Internet using Trusted Profile
- De minimis guarantees – up to 80%, without guarantee sanction fee
- InFakt Helpline – inFakt has launched a helpline for the bank’s customers, where they will receive answers to questions concerning, among others: government shield solutions, subsidies for businesses or remote accounting services – the assistance can be obtained by e-mail atsantander@infakt.plor by phone at 22 307 80 10 (Mon-Sat, 7:00-22:00).
Regulamin Promocji „Przez 3 miesiące bez opłat dla zawieszonych działalności”
Regulamin promocji „Dostałem szóstkę V”
Słowniczek pojęć i definicji dotyczących usług reprezentatywnych, wynikających z rozporządzenia Ministra Rozwoju i Finansów z dnia 14 lipca 2017 r. w sprawie wykazu usług reprezentatywnych powiązanych z rachunkiem płatniczym, dostępny jest na stronie santander.pl/PAD oraz w placówkach banku. Szczegóły oferty oraz informacje o opłatach, prowizjach i oprocentowaniu dostępne są w oddziałach Santander Bank Polska S.A., na santander.pl i pod numerem 1 9999 (opłata zgodna z taryfą operatora). Stan na maj 2020.