Positive customer experience (NPS)
- GRI:
Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix) 3-3Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)
Customer satisfaction measurement resultsCustom indicatorCustomer satisfaction measurement results
Topic from the Materiality Matrix: Positive customer experience (NPS)
In 2022, we adopted the Customer Experience Management Policy which sets out our key customer-centric standards:
the Compass (Kompas) standard for the design of products and services, which is based on customer-centric principles of modern design,
the Clear Thing standard for empathetic and straightforward communication, which we implemented both in the process of exchanging information with customers and within the bank. In 2022, a second bank-wide language audit was conducted, which confirmed the achievement of the predefined value of the language comprehensibility index in regulations, agreements and correspondence addressed to customers, among other things. Work has also begun on changing the appearance of documents so that the most important information is properly highlighted and difficult topics are presented in a graphic form. We have included in the standard of keeping language simple the rules for developing documents for persons with special needs,
the standard of empathetic customer service, in which it is increasingly important to combine digital solutions with customer service at the branch.
The quarterly planning process takes into account the customers’ point of view. NPS scores for each business segment are analysed and key value-enhancing initiatives are identified. We view the Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a measure of how well we understand and meet customer needs. In 2022, we were among the top four banks in Poland in terms of managing the quality of the mass customer experience. We also ranked third in respect of NPS in the group of wealthy customers and small and medium-sized companies. Performance improvement can also be observed in the corporate customers segment, where NPS increased by 10 points.
Responsible selling
Responsible selling is governed by the General Code of Conduct. In accordance with our Code, we adhere to the following principles:
- fair treatment of the customer at all stages of the sales process,
- exhaustive information about the risks and costs associated with a product or service,
- competitive, transparent pricing at a reasonable level,
- information related to the product and service must be objective, understandable and relevant to the target customer group,
- easy-to-understand information for customers on channels and decision-making processes for applications, incidents and claims.
Our bank is a co-founder and signatory of the Declaration of Responsible Selling. This is a project initiated by financial institutions to improve ethical standards in customer relations and counter unfair market practices. In 2022, for the second time we passed the Responsible Selling Declaration audit, which confirmed that the bank’s internal regulations and processes are transparent and customer-friendly.