Human rights policy
- GRI:
Policy commitments2-23Policy commitments
Embedding policy commitments2-24Embedding policy commitments
- GPW:
Human rights policyS-P5Human rights policy
Human rights due diligence proceduresS-P6Human rights due diligence procedures
We are seeing a growing role of human rights due diligence processes. They lie at the heart of both softly recommended acts (the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Transnational Enterprises) and mandatory regulations that reference these guidelines (the minimum safeguards from the EU Taxonomy Regulation or the new EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting).
- In our own operations, we are committed to preventing discrimination in the workplace and ensuring decent employment conditions, among other things.
- In the supply chain, as part of our due diligence processes prior to entering into loan agreements or other types of contracts, we have committed to analysing and evaluating our counterparties’ policies and practices regarding respect for human rights.
- In respect of business partners who are not suppliers, we have committed to promoting adherence to the Human Rights Policy, particularly where it is appropriate due to their background, type of business or importance to the bank.
- In relation to communities in which we operate, the bank is committed to minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment and contributing to combating corruption.
This policy is owned by the Management Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. and our employees are required to report its violations through available communication channels.