2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total number of bank customers (in thousands) | 5,695 | 5,432 | 5,215 | 5,049.5 | 4,884 |
Santander Internet – registered customers (in thousands) | 4,869 | 4,492 | 4,179 | 4,424 | 4,019 |
Santander Internet – active customers (in thousands) | 3,285 | 2,998 | 2,756.5 | 2,510 | 2,345 |
Santander mobile – active mobile banking customers (in thousands) | 2,452 | 2,194 | 1,865 | 1,577 | 1,338 |
iBiznes24 – registered companies (in thousands) | 20 | 25 | 21 | 18 | 17 |

Results in the governance area
- GRI:
Direct value generated and distributed201-1Direct value generated and distributed
- ESG:
Our approach to Corporate GovernanceG - Corporate GovernanceOur approach to Corporate Governance
Financial performance and key performance indicators
Data relates to Santander Bank Polska S.A.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Branches* | 351 | 396 | 468 | 515 | 612 |
Partner outlets | 170 | 164 | 138 | 134 | 123 |
* Total number of bank branches, off-site locations and Santander zones
Banking centres
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Business and Corporate Banking Centres | 6 | 6 | 19 | 19 | 12 |
ATMs and CDMs
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Number of ATMs | 472 | 610 | 731 | 774 | 858 |
Number of CDMs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Number of dual-function machines | 952 | 914 | 930 | 923 | 900 |
Financial results
Profit for the period (in PLN million) | 2,449.0 |
Total liabilities (in PLN million) | 211,802.8 |
Total equity (in PLN million) | 26,295.3 |
ROE [%] | 11.4% |
Cost/Income (C/I) [%] | 37.9% |
TCR (Total Capital Ratio) * | 21.1% |
Achievement of Responsible Banking Targets
2022 results | 2021 results | |
Top 10 employers (position in the ranking) | Top Employer certificate | Top Employer certificate |
Women in senior positions | 34.7% | 34.7% |
Equal Pay Gap | 2.0% | 2.4% |
Number of people financially empowered as of 1 January, 2019 (thousands) |
651,453 | 130,992 |
Green finance in line with FSCS (in EUR m)* | 566.4 | 214.0 |
Electricity from renewable sources (%)** | 83.5% | 82.0% |
Elimination of single-use plastics (% implementation) | 100% | 100% |
Scholarships, internships and job placements (number) | 5,915 | 6,422 |
Number of people helped | 493,461 | 305,652 |
** Electricity purchased directly by the bank
- GRI:
Annual total compensation ratio2-21Annual total compensation ratio
Annual total remuneration index
2022 | 2021 | |
Annual total remuneration of the highest paid person in the organization (PLN) | 5,871,139* | 4,530,375 |
Median annual total remuneration including all employees of the organization, excluding the highest paid person (PLN) | 117,081 | 96,490 |
Ratio | 5,015% | 4,695% |
- GRI:
Annual total compensation ratio2-21Annual total compensation ratio
Ratio of the of the highest paid person’s remuneration to the median remuneration in the bank
In 2022, the ratio of the remuneration of the highest-paid person at Santander Bank Polska S.A. to the median remuneration of all employees in the organisation (excluding this highest-paid person) was 1 to 0.02. So, in simple terms, it can be said that the remuneration of the highest-paid person in the organisation was approximately 50 times higher than the median remuneration of the other employees.

50.15 to 1
Ratio of annual total remuneration of the highest paid person in the organization to the median annual total remuneration of all employees (excluding the highest paid person)
- GRI:
Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures (indicator reported partially)205-2Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures (indicator reported partially)
Anti-corruption training numbers in 2022 | Number of employees offered training by employment category | Number of employees to whom anticorruption policies and procedures have been communicated | % of employees to whom anticorruption policies and procedures have been communicated | Number of employees who have received anti-corruption training | % of employees who have received anticorruption training |
Management Board of the bank | 9 | 9 | 100% | 9 | 100% |
Senior management of the bank* | 66 | 66 | 100% | 65 | 98% |
Middle management of the bank** | 613 | 613 | 100% | 603 | 98% |
Other employees of the bank | 9,093 | 9,091 | 99.97% | 8,911 | 98% |
Total*** | 9,781 | 9,779 | 99% | 9,588 | 97% |
** Other managers of Santander Bank Polska S.A.
*** Number does not include employees on long-term absences
- GRI:
Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria308-1Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria
Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria414-1Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria
Key indicators reflecting the performance of purchasing processes
Number of suppliers with an annual turnover of more than PLN 50,000. | 1,595 |
Including the number of suppliers subject to qualification | 1,038 |
Percentage of suppliers – Polish or foreign companies – with headquarters or branch registered in Poland | 89.6% |
Number of completed purchasing processes | 520 |
Percentage of new suppliers who have been evaluated for environmental criteria | 100% |
Percentage of new suppliers who have been evaluated for social criteria | 100% |