education – supporting higher education by funding scholarships for students, disseminating financial and cyber-security knowledge;

- GRI:
Material indirect economic impact203-2Material indirect economic impact
We tackle important social challenges, such as:
development of civil society;
support for entrepreneurship;
sponsoring culture and sports.
In 2022, in view of the outbreak of war in Ukraine. we also engaged in helping the Ukrainian community.
Beneficiaries of our projects in numbers in 2022:
- GRI:
Number of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the field of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and/or the bank's Foundation during the yearCustom indicatorNumber of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the field of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and/or the bank's Foundation during the year
Beneficiaries of projects implemented by the Foundation:
BAKCYL: Bankers for Youth Financial Education: 3500
Scholarship Program: 4th edition 2021/2022- 31 scholarship recipients, 5th edition 2022/2023 – 25 scholarship recipients
In addition, 7 scholarship winners receive ongoing support under the Program
TO(działa)MY! Educational Program: 10 776
Warsaw Banking Institute – funding for the organization of the 6th Congress of Financial Education and Entrepreneurship: 235
Educational campaigns and workshops
of the „Financial ABC” educational campaign launched in cooperation with 315 824 beneficiaries
of the financial education campaign for children and young people launched in cooperation with the and websites: 131 599 beneficiaries
participating in „Financial Games)” workshops in 10 cities (in cooperation with MCA BIS Sp. z o.o.) in October-December 2022: 2 346 students
Content audiences
2106 recipients of the publication Modern Senior. Guide to the Digital World
4971 downloads/views of training courses made available to Santander Bank Polska on the SkillUp Academy platform
10,306 listeners of the 5th broadcast for young people on financial issues „How do you think?”
130 students participating in environmental workshops under the Re:Generation project