Description of the reporting process
- GRI:
Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting2-2Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting
Collective bargaining agreements2-3Collective bargaining agreements
Restatements of information2-4Restatements of information
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting2-14Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting
The Santander Bank Polska S.A. ESG 2022 Report is the tenth publication presenting our social, environmental and economic impact and describing management practices. This report provides the data and describes the practices of Santander Bank Polska S.A. (unless it is explicitly indicated in the content that certain information relates to the Santander Bank Polska Group, the Banco Santander Group or a subsidiary or associate of the bank. Additionally, we have included in this report, for the first time, partial information concerning Santander Leasing S.A. and Santander Factoring Sp. z. o. o. regarding employee matters (if a given piece of information relates to either of these companies, it is explicitly stated in the report each time). The report covers the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 and covers the same reporting period as the Financial Statements, unless otherwise specified herein. These reports are published annually and the previous report was released on 27 July 2022. This report will be published on June 2023.
We did not make any changes to the reported non-financial information during the reporting period.
This publication is based on the updated version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) international standard. In the „GRI Table” you can find information where each disclosure related to Santander Bank Polska S.A. is made in the report.
In addition, the report refers to international guidelines and goals relevant to our organization and the financial sector. These include:
European Commission guidelines for the disclosure of non-financial information related to climate impacts,
UNEP FI principles – Principles for Responsible Banking,
Sustainable Development Goals identified as strategic for Santander Bank Polska S.A.
On top of that, the publication takes into account the assumptions and indicators defined by the „Guidelines for ESG Reporting – A Guide for Companies Listed on the WSE.” The report also takes into account the bank’s own performance indicators, which are specific to our operations.
Part of this publication is a climate report developed using TCFD recommendations. In accordance with the guidelines, the bank integrates its sustainability disclosures with climate impact information. In 2022, we conducted an analysis that identified climate risks and opportunities in two scenarios, covering the short (2025), medium (2030) and long term (2050). The methodology for the TCFD report is presented in the 2021 ESG report.
The material topics included in the report were developed using the bank’s ESG materiality matrix. A detailed description and the process of the matrix development are presented in the subsection Selection of Material Topics for the Bank.
- GRI:
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting2-14Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting
The bank’s Management Board is actively involved in the reporting on sustainability issues. As part of its commitment, the Management Board is responsible, among other things, for involving relevant units and committees in the reporting process, ensuring adherence to due diligence processes and final approval of the ESG Report content.
The bank has not established dedicated committees to deal with ESG reporting, but the following bodies have been included in the reporting process to ensure appropriate attention to the bank’s non-financial information disclosure:
Disclosure Committee;
Responsible Banking and Corporate Culture Committee;
ESG Forum.